Does anyone know what this book is specifically going to be about?
The cover is cool.
I look forward to its release myself. Feel free to discuss the book's prospects responsibly.
The cover image has an Evelyn Waugh feel about it.
I've just finished speaking to the publishers. In keeping with the title, the book aims to encourage the reader to wear outfits like those described on page 5 of the Vass shoes thread. By doing so, the author hopes that this will make him - and his cronies (we all know who they are) - look good.
Amazon says May 23rd. I have it on pre-order.
Hi all, Im from the AAAC MB where I post seldomly under a different name. Ive been reading and enjoying for a while, finally got around to posting.
Looks like the board is getting some life.
But we've always had life otherwise we'd be the Andy Trads.
I am getting the impression from other sites that the book is to receive the one of the greatest seals of approval available, the pagliacci award.
If they ever make a sequel to my favorite film (Gladiator) they would have to cast this guy in the role of Shillus.
I really know the book will be good but c'mon, give it a chance to stand on its own, sheesh.
Another vote for interest in this book. Though I note, with perhaps not altogether too much wonderment, that Buff's Bastards is the only forum not mentioned in the various invites, circulating on the oither forums, to the book party in NYC on 1 June. Still I gather if FNB and Vaclav were to show up, no one would have the temerity to turn them away. Indeed I think they'd be welcomed.
What I do not understand is what the author is called. Is he called Manton, which I think I read is for Michael Anton, or is he Nicholas Antongiovanni? If this is not his real name, why the nom de plume for a book about clothing?
I do look forward to reading this book, Manton is has great knowledge about clothing.
"Nicholas Antongiavanni" is, I believe, an homage to Niccolo Macchiavelli.