Dandies may not actually garden themselves but they surely enjoy a wonderful bit of artifice...
Here are some local (to me) suggestions:
Do please add your own.
This is just down the street:
Not much as an edifice, mind you, but really first rate as gardens.
Spent a lovely day here, exploring the grounds with two English nurses from Saudi Arabia:
These architectural pleasure gardens have more than a little of the Dandy spirit too:
An miniature Italian village in North Wales?
Why not?
Edit: Lots of great pics in here:
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-08-26 01:41:33)
In North Wales again:
Architecture & artifice in the (once private) pleasure gardens of a man with a strong aesthetic streak.
Two books that I own deal with European gardens--one is entitled Venetian Villas and the other one is an older book about Great Gardens.
Anything in either of those books would be a fine place for a dandy to visit, or own. There's an especially nice example in Portugal that is described in the Great Gardens book.