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#1 2014-06-13 12:30:23

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#2 2014-06-13 13:03:03

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...

What a nice little film, thanks for posting it up Formby. No mention of Armchaired in there though.

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#3 2014-06-13 13:47:16

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...

Thanks for Posting that Mr Formby ,it was a pleasant stroll down memory lane for me.
I will always be a Battersea Boy even though i am now a polite suburban gentlemen.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#4 2014-06-14 01:31:39

Posts: 2358

Re: Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...

Most famous? I thought that was Chernobyl!


#5 2014-06-14 01:42:12

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Re: Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#6 2014-06-14 10:05:34

Posts: 2358

Re: Battersea: The site of the world's most famous power station...


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