I came across this site via a cross reference from another site , which I chanced upon whilst looking for somewhere I could buy a two tone suit ( 80`s theme party).
I have spent the last few days reading and following links backwards and forwards trying to get up to speed ( I think I have a basic handle on the situation) and I just wanted to say I like the irreverence here , other places seem to take things a little more seriously.
Still haven`t found a source for a two tone suit , but have found a source of entertainment.
many thanks.
Tonik suit or 'Ska' style suit?
There were suits cut in what was called that style in the 80's & sold advertised in the back pages of the NME, etc.
Low gorge, one button, with baggy trousers as I recall.
Not Rude Boy style at all which was much more influenced by... you know.... (Ivy League)
Good luck with your quest -