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  •  » Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

#1 2007-09-08 06:48:26

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

The berret- can the man in the street wear such headwear, without the risk of being mistaken as a member of the 80`s vigillante group-"the guardian angels"

I have allways had a hankering of cladding my head thus, but live in fear of being called to rescue some tube passenger in distress from a gang of knife wielding maniacs, determined to relieve said passenger of their ipod,
I would hate to be looked upon with distain by my fellow passengers for my inaction.

Or worse still being assumed to be French.

opinions please.

... ... ...


#2 2007-09-08 07:11:17

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

Without the risk? No.


#3 2007-09-08 07:20:14

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

If that is the case,

Is the risk worth taking?

perhaps it would be worth taking the chance of being regarded as rugged and heroic by fellow passengers, as long as I`m not called upon to  apprehend any villains- that would surely give the game away-
(wee wee stains on the front of ones slacks  could never be regarded as a good look surely)

Does any one still call trousers Slacks anymore, or is it just me and my maternal Grandmother.

... ... ...


#4 2007-09-08 08:35:30

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#5 2007-09-08 08:54:30

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

... ... ...


#6 2007-09-08 16:08:26

Posts: 2310

Re: Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

Jukebox Babe

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  •  » Can a berret ever be succesfully worn outside millitary uniforms.

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