I think that I understand that FNB has been far too polite, under some extreme, teasing provocation from me, just to say that he wants to keep The Wardrobe for wardrobe and style topics and that, if we want to joust about modern civilization in other terms, we should do it over on the dedicated Not Suitable threads, which he has kindly provided for such things. I am happy to go with that and improve my contributions here and I am sorry for the reckless abandon with which I have sometimes Shanghai'd Wardrobe threads. How's that?
Wot about renaming the 'Not Suitable for Work' section and calling it 'The Hard-Done-By Middle Aged White Heterosexual Male's Chatroom' ?
Strange though it might seem, I was trying to be serious!
Yeah no way you are getting a tie you grumpy old fart. Stop sucking up to FNB.
as a start - make a resolution to not post whilst in pyjamas.