Now, I'm going to enjoy this...
I think it's time for Incognito to appear and tell us about ladies in ballgowns sending small boys to fetch large wine glasses.
Well, while you're doing that, I'm off to recruit some new members in an attempt to broaden our understanding of cultural diversity. I'm uncomfortable with the fact that, as far as I know, we're a bunch of European and American white guys, with a handful of Aussies thrown in as a sort of buffer.
Last edited by Yuca (2014-11-21 13:31:16)
The British stoicism, sangfroid, good humour, work ethic, ingenuity, common decency and magnanimity is being erased.
It's very interesting, that in the MSM when discussion falls on British values it seems to boil down to being tolerant of homosexuals. I would have hoped it was something more with our history.
The Ofsted verdict was vile as it punished the school because it was located in a mainly native white area and that by default, this was wrong and the kids were not culturally aware because of this. All subjective and the auditor's verdict should be challenged.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2014-11-22 02:57:12)
It the tone was negative: "limited", "lack of" and the groovy Guardianista "diverse make up of modern British society" what has that got to do with kids in primary school? We all know it's diverse.
I think the whole auditing malarkey has gone to the gutter and the experience of the Ofsted inspections are repeated across other industries and disciplines, so Yuca can take some succor in this, he's not alone! I had an argument with some environmental auditors recently who wanted me to explain my procedures for disposing of waste paper, I explained to them that we purchased our paper from an ISO14001 accredited paper supplier from renewable resources and recycled the paper, therefore it wasn't and isn't hazardous waste requiring elaborate procedures. But oh no, they wouldn't have it!
Then they asked me could I place a sign-up in the Giant vibrator advising people to think about the environment first before boiling a half-filled kettle of water.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2014-11-22 04:36:06)