I got G&G's Wells, which is very similar. A fine walking shoe.
Unpleated corduroys with a wide leg opening. Shetland crewneck sweater with a blue oxford shirt underneath. A schoolboy scarf. This should complete the look. My brother, an Alden fan second to none, also liked this shoe but rejected it as "old man" (he's 48). Personally, I'd prefer the cordovan blucher (which is also double soled and bulky), but has more tradition behind it.
I like my brown suede pair of those. I use my leather soled cordovan plain toes more however.
They look good. I wouldn't shine a shoe like that though; it needs a waxy finish.
G. ol' Chum,
I wonder if that's the same (or similar) to the one on the Alden site that is on the Barrie last that is a combo leather/crepe double sole, rather than the commando sole as pictured? If so, 'tis a shoe I've considered and will probably purchase at some point.
Here's the one I'm thinking of:
Here's the one that I believe you've got your eye on:
Potential source for Alden blucher accessories. Navy/red wool surcingle belt (source for Iammatt's surcingle belt, paired with custom Rubinacci suit). Schoolboy scarf (thinking about this). G-9 jacket. As if the last 40 years never happened.
There is a sense in which we should just say "O'Connell's" & close down the Trad Forum...
I've still to shop there.
I wonder if those are the same shoes Brooks Bros has rebadged for their own line. I was interested in them as well, and went to BB to check them out in person and was disappointed how pale the burgundy is, not rich at all like in internet pics. But I've never seen the actual Aldens so it may be a different shoe or have better coloring on the Alden
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2007-09-21 00:23:48)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-09-21 00:14:46)