Goodyear welted uppers are also quite solid/substancial, so when one desires a lighter upper such in hot weather or on an easy day an unlined shoo/loafer is optimal here. More breathable too.
"I drink to make other people more interesting."
So, Naive, is your mind set on the unlined loafer?
Dear The Shooman,
Thanks very much indeed for your benevolence - all you guys are incredibly friendly, after traumatic experiences especially on other websites, I'm speechlessly amazed!
I actually just try to be around people I find interesting, or at least amusing, as much as possible, regardless of inebriation.
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-19 15:24:08)
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-19 15:28:12)
Last edited by Chévere (2015-02-19 19:27:41)
Dear Chévere (I wonder what that means?),
If I'm funny, it's involuntary. The posters here, however, are witty. I was banned from two websites and I didn't write anything vulgar or aggressive. It is true I'm benevolent, but I don't know much about will, willpower, except hypnosis manipulates it. But what is hypnosis? (It is untrue that persons who were under hypnosis "will" not do wrong, evil.)
You have helped me in two respects:
1. Is naive prescient?
(I've removed Jr., which is embarrassing because its removal falsifies what's left, but my reflection you provoked concerns naive.)
Yes, in my case or whoever knowingly calls her or himself so. If the opposite to naive is critical. Pre-scient as foresight, but not knowing the future as such, but knowing the future as a place where not knowing is replaced by knowing - maybe simply assumption about future knowledge.
My attempt to answer is unclear, and I hope somebody will clarify it. Your denial of omen for somebody who knows he or she is naive seems wrong, if omen refers to future destiny because the knowers tend to increase their knowledge, whereas the non-knowers (naive) might become more naive? (Don't get confused by non-knowers, naive - here it is meant as those who don't know they are naive. Again: those who know and name themselves naive, are no longer purely naive. Such self-knowing, self-naming individuals are hybrids, part of this and part of that.)
2. Relationship between acro- and pseudo? Above me, and I can't bluff. I'm unclear about the etymology of acro because I just checked wikipedia for an explanation and the ancient Greek etymology simply presented two unexpected words: edge, pointed, not high or above as I imagined in acrobat, acrophobia.
Of course we know each other, but my supersensible knowledge ain't evolved so to remember for any life of you transcarnately - or what's the appropriate term? I'm both thin-skinned and thick-skulled. The problem I have with the word prescient is I easily forget it is meant as foresight and think of it as before knowing (pre + scio), I don't know now, but I shall know later. Maybe what I wrote above is wrong because I confused its meaning?
PS: What's your favorite loafer? (Can't see if you're wearing shoes in your photograph.) Cogelo suave, pero cogelo = I think therefore I am
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-20 01:29:07)
Dear The Shooman,
I have sent you a link to the website page where the unlined Trickers loafer is advertised and would be very grateful for your opinion of what you see and read.
Thanks again for your initiative in solidarity.
Looks like he's just spied the waiter bringing the dip for those breadsticks
Dear Yuca,
If I post the address of the website page where the loafer on question is advertised on sale, the one remaining pair in the size recommended to me might awake the desire of a reader to purchase it, which means I would not be able to wear them and miss an experience I'd prefer to not wearing them.
The Spanish Wikipedia confirms the origin from either Igbo or Efik, but in either case both form and meaning changed in Cuba, but I don't know why. So like the English word "patsy", Americanized "pazzo" (fool) brought by southern Italians to Boston and New York around 1900, Igbos or Efiks in chains transmitted it at a certain time to their Spanish speaking masters in Cuba.
I liked the acorn colo(u)r, but so did those who are responsible that it's sold out. It's red maybe similar to those likely without tassles worn by ex-Hitlerjugendmitglied Josef Ratzinger made bespoke by an Italian craftsman maybe in Rome. Karl-Heinz Deschner tells the truth about the history of Holy Chair holders, whose sovereign state the Holy See is legally everywhere on Earth. You don't say why tassles should be avoided - remind you of those on the coat of arms of Holy See or Vatican City State?
Please don't forget both near and far sight. The sale is about to end, but my shoe taste develops. Today I'm poor, but someday I'll be able to afford what Rancourt praises as the best leather.
Muchas gracia, amigo! (Drums are wonderful, and Orlando wears a tone or is it shade brighter red, too)
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-20 06:18:52)
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-20 05:40:48)
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-20 06:29:46)
Last edited by Naive, Jr. (2015-02-20 07:46:22)