These teddy-boys are the real deal and likely to give you a good kicking with winkle-pickers if you got on the wrong side of them:
Awe inspiring stuff:
Brit Rockabilly. Nice.
One thing you can say about UK based youth sub-cultures, other than the New Romantics, they're all very hard and tasty:
I actually have the second Rooster tie in!
In Italy in 50s and early 60s the word "Teddy boy" were very widespread on newspaper and magazines.
But for Italians "teddy boy" was the bad boy in leather jacket,jeans and grease Elvis's tuft.
The James Dean of "rebel without cause" and the Marlon Brando of "The wild one" were "Teddy boys" for the Italians of the 50s.
^ Good taste in Teddy Boys.
The Penge Boys from the Edwardian Teddy Boys site have some serious big fat bastards on their feet