I'm thinkin I should do a blog. I have a lot to say. anyone have an idea where I should do a BLOG?
Or you could use that website that Will uses. blogspot, I think it is.
I for one would be very interested in reading it, Tom.
I will read it, when you write it.
But be careful to give it a narrative arc.
Without that, it would be random memories that would confuse & scare, rather than enlighten.
Do it.
Although I partly disagree with Tony V., I do like the randomness of some of your memories. We're all human here after all, if it's too neat, it smacks of the staged.
Sometimes the randomness can come across as jumbled.
Which makes it like a daily cartoon with no narrative.
Funny but a mixed bag.
Dilbert is a good example: short story arcs that stretch for 3 or 4 days.
This gives the reader(s) a reason to return to read.
But does not require a strict daily committment.
Just thoughts, not prescriptions.
I don't know. Maybe I am too boring. although today I think I am interesting.