Bandanas are TRAD, well I gotta git me some of them.
I used to love the large 'Snuff' handkerchiefs that Smith the tobacconists on Charing Cross Road used to sell.
Good colours. Better than a regular hanky & more useful too.
I never wore them like a Bandido though... (No.60 down at the bottom)
"Also, yesterday I was in G. Smith & Sons the old-fashioned tobacconists on Charing Cross Road, London. As readers will probably know, this is one of the last (perhaps the last) tobacconists to sell 'own label' snuffs in the country. However they are prohibitively expensive! Medium sized tins, which Samual Gawith sells for £1.40 or less were £4.30 - more than three times the amount. In the end I declined to buy any although of course I was fascinated to know what they are like (who makes them is a closely guarted secret, which I was unable to find out). Have other readers tried their snuffs and if so are they worth the premium price?"
I was once invited for dinner at a club- where on the bar they had a rams horn carved out and topped with a sterling silver - snuff box - which strangely enough contained snuff.( it was a masonic club- I wondered at the time wether it wasa prop used in their secret rituals)
I did partake of a pinch - but not really to my liking - every time I blew my nose -It looked as if I had spent the day in a coal mine.
when I was at school - one of my friends brought some chewing tobacco - back from the states- we tried this in the junior dorm - doing our good old boy- best impressions - unbelievable how much saliva that stuff produces - there was gob - spittle and saliva - all over the place.
My suggestion would be leave that type of thing to the experts.
Mr Monkey, I like your stories. but plz dont turn into a kav!
Mr Gomez please tell me that a Kav - isn`t a local word for Chav.
I thought it was okay, at one time, to have a blue or red bandanna in the blazer pocket. But I think ol' Ralph beat me to it.