Sometimes you just have to do something a little diffrent to pique peoples intrest so may I propose a talent contest.
I`ve been told I`m very good at impressions- I get the voices just right - "you sound just like him" they say.
so for your delight and delectation I will give you my repertoir of famous catch phrases.
"here`s johnny"
"let`s be carefull out there"
"whatchoo talkin` `bout Willis?"
"de plane- de plane- boss"
" book `em Dano"
"yabba dabba doo"
"who loves ya baby"
"good night-Johnboy"
"I love it when a plan comes together"
there you go - told you I was good at impressions.
anyone else got a secret talent they would like to share with the Forum.
tap dancing or singing perhaps?
ix CAn aslo type wth mmy #nose./
Goodness me both of those are pretty impressive uncle Jack- I was a bit of a gymnast in my day you know-
watch I`ll do a back flip for you.
oww. Fucking hell that hurt-
I've had an entire three-page thread at BBR that consisted of six of my longer-term sockpuppets replying to each other - save one witless intrusion. It was a very lively debate!
Last edited by Gomez (2007-09-29 06:58:23)