After posting on the inane post of the day about the above- who else enjoys swearing.
I think I grew to enjoy swearing after establishing that it was strictly forbidden both at School and home.
my habbit as all habbits do -started with the soft stuff- flipping, flaming and the like- working to the next stage with words like bloody and bugger. and continuing onwards to arse, and tits.
It` was a few years onwards from that point -that I discovered dropping the words Fuck and piss into polite conversation, caused some constenation but little condemnation.
Since then I have derived some great pleasure from- peppering my sentences with profanity.
I much prefer using certain words as -adjectives rather than nouns it carrys more resonance imho.
admitedly there are certain words that I use very sparringley- and only on special occasions like birthdays and christmass. words like (and because it`s not a special occasion I am going to self edit) C**t.
I think my very favourite though is Bloody not the strongest swearing word I know but I just like saying it.
I also like using the - symbol on my computer keyboard .
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-10-05 05:07:54)
Why is 'bloddy' considered a curse word, never did understand that. Is it only a UK thing?
Cheeky whilst not as prolific curser as your good self I have to admit to using bad language at times and indeed my word of preference would be bloody.
perhaps mike is correct that Bloody is indeed a vey British form of swearing.
I shall make some investigations as to the reasons.
It would appear as most of these things inevitably do that the word Bloody has it`s origins in religion.
Bloody this and bloody that:
For myself, if it not intolerably immodest to say so, I possess nothing less than a genius for obscene speech. A combination of nature and nurture allowed my innate talent for profane invective to bloom and flourish to the fullest extent possible. I fondly recall my tender youth as a foul-mouthed, working-class guttersnipe whose vicious and inventive cursing astonished and appalled all who heard it. Today, even in my current dilapidated state I can claim to be the Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan of cursing, a towering figure who can dispatch with ease any challenger. It is my personal tragedy that a Nobel or Pulitzer does not exist for profanity and swearing, for if one did, my genius would be recognized for what it truly is: a singular achievement to be admired as one admires any great art.
Mr.Bastard would you perchance Know- how to download Chickentown to a mobile phone-I wish to make it my new ringtone.
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2007-10-05 13:39:06)
Fairly specific lyrics aren`t they.