The urban Fogey wears Fogey country clothes at the weekends.
The country Fogey wears a dark Fogey suit on Sundays.
Both are uneasy about an open necked shirt.
Both wear their clothes until they fall apart and then a little while longer, but are never 'down at heel' - Even the most decrepit Fogey shoe is kept in good repair and polished.
You never see a Fogey with stubble.
Fogey fingernails are cut as soon as the whites start to show.
An English Fogey wil never accept the concept of a button-down and will insist on calling them 'those shirts with the buttons on the collar'. My father did this to me for 22 years. Only his death stopped him making fun of my shirts.
... ... ... ... ...
Fogey lives!
Do please join in -
The country fogey will have a red spotted handkerchief about his person.
The urban fogey a white cotton handkerchief with his monogram embroidered by his wife in the corner
Brown or tan brogues for the country fogey- Black brogues for the urban fogey - allways polished within an inch of their lives.
An old volvo would be the vehicle of choice for both country and urban Fogey`s.
However a sense of Patriotism has a strong hold on the fogey- so often a landrover discovery for the country fogey or a Jaguar xj6 for the urban fogey. both will carry a furled umberella on the rear parcel shelf.
Decrepit shoes shined to perfection is also a "trad" quality, I'd assert.
I liked ol' Russell's fogey post on the sterling mechanical pencil. I don't recall the specifics. But wasn't it some lead replacement that's impossible to find now?
A frog mouthed pocket on cordoroy and moleskin trousers is amazingley country fogey.
Patum peperium also known as Gentleman or poachers relish is fogey.
As is haslet
a fogeys favoured game is Venison.
Claret is a fogey drink, chianti isn`t
Last edited by TB-D (2007-10-06 09:55:51)
Ah The Squire- well he helps to keep the dream alive at andyland - that trad is somehow inherently connected with fogeydom.
The problem is that fogeys would -balk at spending money unecessarily as the squire does- the fogey slowly and gradually cultivates a wardrobe on a need basis - rather than a want basis-hence why fogeyness is not subject to the vagracies of fashion as the Ralph Lauren look is -which many posters over there- are fully paid up subscribers.
When a fogey purchases an item of clothing - he doesn`t buy cheap -to emmulate a certain look - he buys the best that money can buy and expects a lifetime of use from the article.
It would appear however that -the squire is taking things far less seriousley now adays - he has realised he is- but a cheap substitute and seems to have accepted the fact - and will now acknowledge - that he is playing dress up and playing around with a look he likes.
I suspect it will not be long- before he comes Knocking at FNB`s door -as his boredom in Andyland increases and his enthusiasm wanes.
If so I will happily provide him with some whizzer porn links supplied to me through Uncle Jack - if he so desires.
To be honest I like the Squire , I think he is quite self depricating a quallity I highly admire.
Early nights are Fogey. Lie-ins are not.
Hot water bottles are Fogey. Turning on the heating at night is not.
in that case condemn the sin, but forgive the sinner would be apt in this instance perhaps.
Lambswool jumpers- ( the itchier the better) are fogey.
cashmere for the gentleman is not.
although for the ladies a must
car hood mascots are fogey.
bumper stickers are not
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-10-06 11:40:09)
HR Wilkin and son tiptree preserves are fogey by the sheer length of time they have been in business
Longmires are not as Fogey as they once were -with the exception of their Bury street store off Jermyn Street ( this store closes on saturday- because this is the day the great unwashed do their shopping-Good God some British stores even open on Sunday you know)