know anyone like this?
Suggestions for how to drive a nasty, paranoid bully to distraction. Interested if anyone knows how I can throw that switch.
The usual strategy is to play just nice enough to suck them in, but not wholly. Keep them teetering on the edge of knowing whether you will back them up or not. This usually drives them mad.
The other option is full frontal assault. You have to be quick with a line and confident enough to be able to say things that are completely offensive in most cases, just with a smirk (the confidence will let you pull it off). You probably have the mindset to do this. This option has to be used surgically or it loses it's punch.
I'm guessing this is a professional relationship?
direct confrontation in closed-door conversation in which you, armed with a list of grievances, calmly ask the offender what his major malfunction is.
The best solution is to rise above them promotionally and then once you are in charge of the organisation - root to branch removal of them!
or you could invite this person to have a drink with you and try the discover more about the pathology, find the reason for the disturbance, and try to be friendly one more time approach ...... after which you could always have a discussion and clarification session
Take the index finger of your right hand and place it on the bump on the back of your head. About two fingers width below that you'll feel a hollow.
Everybody has one of these, even nasty, loud mouthed selfish control freaks.
That's where you stick the icepick.
I wont speak with this person although he'd love to speak with me. He's on anti-psychotic drugs and vociferously obnoxious. Thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Just want a suggestion that would make him fly off the handle.
if he's really on anti-psychotic medication then you've got to leave him alone, you're not the kind of person who would torment a mental patient.
Last edited by fxh (2015-04-28 23:52:11)
I don't really understand the desire to want to get someone back or make them feel bad for behaving badly. Many people have tough lives and are under stress, so of course people will act out when they are unhappy and their lives suck. We don't know what people are going through, but obviously for people to act like that they must be feeling pretty low and unsure of themselves to feel the need to act loud and selfish. Obviously they feel the need to act out to compensate for issues they are suffering from. I really feel we need to be compassionate for their situation and take it on the chin.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2015-04-29 17:48:19)
Last edited by adorable homunculus (2015-04-29 02:38:13)
Perhaps you should just start playing little harmless yet amusing tricks on him, such as moving his mouse to the opposite side of his computer, moving his pens from the top left drawer to the bottom right drawer, leave a note on his car stating: "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I would love to get to know you. Every day I see your pert ass is another day worth living!!" Signed, Watching from afar, Ronny.
If he's indeed a paranoid bully, he'll probably lose it pretty quick.
Yeah. Now you're talking. Enough of all this sympathy for the bad guy stuff... Some people are just assholes and they derive immense pleasure from it.