the origins of recycling can be found in fogeydom
-reduce -reuse-recycle
a badger hair brush and a shaving mug of frothy soap is fogey.
an electric shaver is not.
sex for recreation is not fogey - the sole purpose of sex is for procreation.
but for some reason masturbation for a fogey gent is acceptable.
A lady would never do that sort of thing.
Damsons are the fogeys fruit of choice.
parma violets are the fogeys breath fresheners.
A box of matches left in the lavatory is the Fogey air freshener.
SHOUTING is not fogey
Eating any kind of offal is fogey- hence the high incidence of gout in fogeys- for gout is very fogey
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-10-07 03:22:21)
Some other FNB Fogey threads, one of which links to the original Fogey thread first 'published' elsewhere. Mainly these were previous attempts to restart the subject over here, but they do contain the odd interesting detail for those interested in this style:
All Fogey cars are slightly dusty inside.
Tom, with you and Jack making your peace- and your obvious approval- in his description of Trad/fogey- Fogey/trad.
Does this mean the trad wars are over?
If so - fucking typical - I`ve arrived too late at the party and just when I was getting into my stride.
I feel like a yank dough boy in the first world war- arriving when all the hard work is done.
I tell ya I had so much to add- insults to throw- enemies to make-scores to be settled-I tell ya I coulda been someone.
Oh and by the way- quiet seething is fogey- whilst petulance is not.
Petulance is trad.
now differentiate the two.
When shopping, rather than just hand over a note, a Fogey will often count out the correct money.
This just shows how much they dislike change.
(Boom! Boom!)
The Fogey home is also ever so slightly dusty...
And it smells -
Beeswax polish in the Sitting Room (Never 'Living Room' or 'Lounge').
Fresh cut flowers in the hall if there is a Fogey Lady in the house.
Lavender sachets in female bedrooms.
Warm wool & wood in male bedrooms.
Wet wool & outdoors in the cloakroom. Dead leaves are always on the floor in there.
Asparagus & burnt matches in the lavatory.
Proper soap & wet wood in the bathroom from the towl rail & hard bristle back brush. The loofah hanging up in its net also has an agreeable smell.
And the Giant vibrator always smells of what was last cooked in there.
... ... ... ...
Fogeys do not trust the fridge & will often smell the milk before they pour it in their tea. Fogeys never put the milk in first.
... ... ... ...
This was the American Fogey thread I trolled Harris into doing on AAAT:
Short lived because I started the anti-Fogey backlash straight away as 'Chet' on another thread, but it all adds to the mix...
"Dispensing with the chatter about patched madras and grosgrain, let us then talk of many things, such as Eygptian cotton broadcloth nightshirts, Draper slippers, old houses, fireplaces, a good pipe, an affinity for Chesterton, and the merits (from an American point of view) of Brideshead.
Added to the mix will be dollops of shell cordovan tassel mocs and grosgrain--but only NATO G10--ribbon straps.": Harris.
Mr. Harris (As with 'Trad') is straight in there with nebulous lifestyle ideas and random associations - 'fireplaces' is an interesting connection for him to make & quite telling about who he is & where he's from I think. Do you find a fireplace a totemic thing?
Edit: The 'Chet' troll. Offered only to make you smile on a Monday morning:
Self-deleted by Harris from this thread is his post explaining why he moved from PreppyTrad to FogeyTrad. It was (again) due to him being rocked by life's sadnesses into a state of mourning. Poor chap.
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-10-08 01:35:59)
Old monogrammed luggage is fogey.
Really, anything old and high quality with a well-done monogram is fogey.
having your own pewter tankard-behind the bar at your local pub - is fogey
Some random Fogey abbreviations:
NBG (No bloody good)
... ASAP is not Fogey.