Last edited by Fogey (2007-10-08 17:20:19)
Thank you so much for a wonderful read. Nice sentiments. Is being a gentleman part of being 'Fogey'? Still looking for direction, thanks.
You made your point with the sort of precise language that comes from much practice in writing. Well said.
Some of the internet gentlemen go beyond simple courtesy and veer off into courtly and ornate writing. I think this is harmless, much like dressing up to the point of costume. Perhaps this ornate style leaves the Internet Gentlemen open to comments, the same way that I am found unusual, merely for dressing well in my office.
We've all experienced this; you wear a shirt with french cuffs with a tie or sports coat, or both. Inevitably some woman in your office compliments the handsome combination of textured black tie and custom made textured pink shirt. Inevitably some one else asks, "do you have an interview today?".
I wonder if part of the criticism of Internet Gentlemen is related to the same reverse snobbery that causes the guys with jeans and a striped shirt, hanging tails out, to ask why you're so "dressed up" with a tie. I think that, especially in business conversation, well-formed thoughts and speech are often required, and accepted. Contrast this with internet forums, where writers adopt a breezy or brusque style, powered by an ironic sense of humor or a critical and self righteous tone. It almost becomes a badge of honor for some forum posters to write in a plain folksy style, much like a politician who talks with a fake country accent when addressing rural voters, he has mistakenly judged to be ignorant.
Perhaps these critical posters think they are the plain-spoken heirs of Andrew Jackson or Abe Lincoln. But it's not my job to judge them for a writing style.
Email and forums are very difficult places to clearly express yourself. Your bare words, in a short post, can be misunderstood. Some people compensate for this by using smiley icons 8v), or compensate by adopting some variation of writing, like the flowery internet gentlemen style. It gives some writers a recognizable personality on the forum.
I think your assessment of 'internet gentlemen', as "fellow travelers who are merely - a bit moon-struck perhaps" is right on target. This writing style, while valuable when it shows character and true courtesy, can be grating if it veers off into pretension or class-climbing. Rather than judge people for their writing style, I'd rather just enjoy the variety of character. It makes for a richer forum experience.
Last edited by edhillpr (2007-10-09 09:31:19)