Last edited by BCL (2007-10-08 16:23:27)
It should be noted that the Caraceni firm mentioned is neither of the respected outposts in Milan or Rome but that which is owned by the overrated tailor Gianni Campagna, which I believe does not enjoy the same level of prestige as the other Caraceni shops.
Here are some links to the Roman Real Deal from Sigs. Tommy & Giulio:
www.noveporte.it/taccuino/tau/list.php3?page=156&idcategoria=1 Henry Fonda pic
www.noveporte.it/taccuino/tau/list.php3?page=487&idcategoria=1 Lorenzo DeNegri pic
Click on the pics to enlarge them.
Yesterday, there was a pic of LDN in a navy CS, but I've no idea where it is now.
Eh, well.....
Last edited by BCL (2007-10-09 21:03:34)
Young Bastards don't die.
We just fade away.
Take care, gents.
Thanks for the laughs, info and numerous(well-deserved) shots at whats-his-face.
God bless.
G. Agnelli was a customer of Ferdinando Caraceni (Milan) not Gianni Campagna / Domenico Caraceni.
Diego Della Valle is a customer of A. Caraceni (Milan) run by Mario Caraceni and his partner Mario Puzzo.
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2007-10-11 20:45:03)
The sobriquet "Lapo" is a remnant of his school boy taunting by classmates at Le Rosey, who mistakenly related "Elk" to the reindeer hearded by the indigenous Saami people of northern Europe, formerly know as Laplanders. Thus: "Lapo the Elkman"