^ I thought that would smoke you out Kingy.
Fly front is a fine clean look.
Velvet collar?
Little Lord Fauntleroy/dandruff magnet.
Any gentleman with dandruff is not taking care of his grooming.
I'd no more wear a fly front on a top coat than I would a shirt. Shockingly bad form.
I always thought one of the defining features of the Covert coat was its fly front. A button front is actually an Epsom coat.
...I'm not sure though.
NJS could probably clear it up.
The very idea of "hard men" "dressing up" - very British. In Germany or the U.S. I believe the dress code for said men would not include coats witha tailored shoulder and a velvet collar
Maybe that's a class thing, it happens a lot, Teds, Barbour wearing football Casuals, I think the British Working class have always aspired to looking the part of their well off overlords, but then adding a twist in someway that makes it their own.
isnt "visit National Trust properties in their spare time" something U.S. also do when on "vacation" in the U.K.?
I dont know, I think if you're getting treated like shit you probably want to have some glad rags and pretend its all fine...the smartest I ever was was away from the sawmill...covered in shit all day but with a good wage I enjoyed treating myself. Still at least I got out with a working pair of lungs and all my fingers.
I have a fawn covert coat that I wear now and then in the shoulder seasons. The weather near Toronto here doesn't make it very practical most of the time.
Despite most of the photos in this thread, I find it calls for a hat. YMMV
Farage does seem to go out of his way to be well dressed. I did some research into what a lot of other UK men in the public eye wear and his kit is a stand out. I have found other UK men who dress well but they dont display the variety he does. I suppose the follow on question for those who are never satisfied is whether he is displaying personal authenticity or just playing a role? Not that the two are always mutually exclusive but it would be interesting to know whether he would be like this if he were a private person.