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#1 2007-10-11 11:05:22

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

The John Cheever Collar Trick -

Buy 'Home Before Dark' by Susan Cheever & check out the photos of her Pa.

OCBD under a Shetland with the collar points unbuttoned & (his) left collar point worn outside the crew neck whilst the right is worn tucked inside. He does this in shot after shot over a period of years.

And quite self-confident too, I think - A dweeb would be too fussy to play with asymetry like this.

The book is very good too, but I love the photos especially.

(This is the kind of quality I could have added to the Trad forum tonight if I was already in there...)


"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#2 2007-10-11 16:23:23

Posts: 103

Re: The John Cheever Collar Trick -

Reminds me of the WFB collar trick--one side buttoned, the other unbuttoned. In his case, though, it seems more contrived.


#3 2007-10-11 19:31:37

Posts: 1192

Re: The John Cheever Collar Trick -

It's a nice quirk but almost has to be an accident to be done without looking a little contrived.  Not that this doesn't happen:  In fact, I'm absolutely sure I've (indeed all of us have, I bet) done this by accident, probably with those big buttonholes on the corner gets dislodged, I pull off the sweater, put it back and and *floop* one corner is out and one in.

Last edited by Coolidge (2007-10-11 19:32:22)


#4 2007-10-12 08:18:45

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The John Cheever Collar Trick -

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


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