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^ What is all this crap?
Nothing to see here. Move along please.
A qualified comment, Kingston1an.
Last edited by Hard Bop Hank (2015-07-29 07:55:09)
"The bottom line here is a nuclear Iran with the financial might to stand up to any belated Western attempt to undo Obama’s mistake. Stacked up against that, Rhodes’ ego trip or the reputations of Washington journalists are meaningless. Obama and his mind-meld partner Rhodes endangered the security of the United States, Israel, and the West. That it was done on the strength of a falsehood and with the help of credulous, feckless Washington press corps is less important than the catastrophic nature of the mistake they have made."
I don't know why, but Pres. Obama has decided to throw in with the Iranian regime.
His boy Ben Rhodes not only lied through his teeth to make the deal happen, the guy is bragging about it in the dog-ass New York Times.
It's one thing to be a lying sack of crap; quite another to be proud of it.
Bad as the choice between Trump and Clinton is, the winner will be better than Obama.
Except for still having troops and murder-drones overseas, Barry's approach to the Middle East is the one thing that he's gotten right.
The filth that keep lying about Iran's "nuclear program" should be tarred and feathered.
His foreign policy, or lack there of has been an absolute disaster for us here in Europe. We desperately need strong leadership from the USA. And with Clinton we can expect much of the same weakness, if not wickedness and lies.
Of the two evils, Trump will deliver those key 28 pages which has the potential to change everything and will also roll back the insane PC and progressive BS that our enemies recognize as weakness to be exploited. It will also focus some of the elites in the Gulf monarchies that along with flash cars in London, not being held to account when you break the law because of diplomatic immunity, that oh dear, when the proverbial hits the fan, you will have nowhere to go. So they may focus on modernising their feudal societies.
Trump also recognizes the weakness in the EU, which is increasingly a force against democracy, a bringer of instability and crushing Depression era poverty to the Med countries.
Meanwhile, Germany prospers for now and Merkel displays all the negative qualities of the German psyche that we thought erased with fascism.
Oh damn...that's the door bell, I assume that's the police coming to give me a warning for making remarks that don't kowtow the proactive EU party line.
Democracy is coming:
To the EU!
Edit: I said "all" in relation to Merkel, that was an error, I should have stated "some". And one has to question, why anyone with the knowledge of Germany's history in the 20th century would risk importing rampant and unbridled anti-Semitism from the Middle East and elsewhere. Is it pathological.....oh damn, it's that doorbell again....good job I'm not a German comic!
Last edited by 4F Hepcat (2016-05-11 11:14:23)
Pages: 1