I like Eric Glennie more...
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-13 11:52:23)
Better value than AK & just the same style.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-13 15:40:14)
ol' jackers,
just a suggestion, but why not a thread here devoted simply to answering/correcting/emending posts on the trad forum? That way you can respond as you like, and everyone will be sure to read it. Sort of in the vein of AHAT. Which sadly, I've no longer kept up with, though I should answer a few queries that remain unanswered.
You basically accomplish the same thing as posting directly there, but you don't have to deal with the rest of it. Though if they're going to authorize every post before it appears, I don't see the problem on their end, should you come back to their fold.
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-10-15 01:20:14)
"Artistic temperament" is on my mind now...
Gomez and I paint.
Shooey & Cooly are musicians.
FNB & Mr. Grayson both have an artist's eye for colour, texture and proportion.
Anybody else see this link?
You never had a chance, Jack, don't be coy.
What can sock puppets really do, anyway?
You'd have to nurture them for years, and hundreds of posts, before they got the "cred" or "respect" to say what they wanted without getting hammered. Even then, they would still be accused of "not being a team player" (that most heinous of crimes, in today's world).
You're just happy because you've saved a million bucks!
A sock can do a quick in, quick out: Send a fist full of PMs, make a few stupid posts drawing silly forum members into making twats out of themselves & then get quickly banned.
They don't last.
And nor should they.
A troll who does the same turn since, say September 14th 2004, is pathological. All jokes need a punchline.
To just endlessly troll the same thing makes you wonder about the troll...
Ivy for Everyone!
Ummmmm... And it's a mistake to think that once officially allowed back in to Andyland was ever going to go back in...
Much more fun to be allowed to walk back through the front door over there only to post on FNB that I'd changed my mind.
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-10-14 12:53:59)
This same thread on Styleforum now has 1008 hits (Despite it being moved down to the basement) & I'm now encouraging all my readers over there to click on the website's sponsored links.
You see the good I do wherever I go?
This thread is now over the 2K mark too...
We need sponsored links!
Sure they're cheesy & crass but just think of all those pennies rolling in!
If only some of the other sites had star name posters too... Ahhhh well....
I'd really like to do this.
I get a lot of fun from fooling around on the Net & it would be nice to give a little back.
I've made this American 'Ivy League' style I go on about my conscious study for the past 28 years & I love to talk about it.
The English/Fogey stuff I sometimes talk about is what surrounds me, but leaves me rather cold.
As a team effort we should pick up posts & threads elsewhere and depending on our knowledge & experience just gently put right anything we think is wrong elsewhere. This can easily be done without egos flaring or, as you say, derision being employed.
We do have a wealth of talent over here after all.
- Good idea, Brother H.
... And I have started it and it is called 'Help is at hand'.
Dammit; I have no idea why but I just read all five pages of the Larry Lean thread on SF and all four pages here. I now feel as though I must post something.
I'm not lurking!
Thank you for reading - I wish I'd written something better for you now.
Quite al right; it managed to keep me entertained longer than most threads.
l think Andy is too scared to make a decision. Poor chap.
^ And after all I've done for him too!
i want you back too.
are you gonna post pictures of yourself in WAYW thread once you are back on board?
Russel Streets topic is revived. There were three banned members in that thread LOL.