what do you guys wear during weekends in the city? do you dress down a suit, sportcoats, streetwear? just curious for some ideas.
i'm probablly thinking of what to wear when shopping, hanging out, or watching a movie. i'm usually in brown bluchers, cotton trousers, solid navy polo or short sleeve shirt during the day. i switch to jeans, dress shirts, vnecks if i'm not going anywhere really fancy at night. i was curious about what other people wear to see if i can integrate some pieces into what i wear.
A kind of general urban off-duty chic, yes?
I think maybe dressing up casual stuff might work best in this context rather than dressing down more formal stuff, if that makes sense.
Play with urban colours too - Shades of Grey needn't be boring if you combine different textures and different weights of materials.
Something like a interesting John Smedley style top with slim cut Charcoal Grey wool pants and Black loafers can have a lot of understated urban cool.
The poster known as 'FNB' may well be your expert here...
oops i meant to do that as raptor jesus, brb lol (heads to nearest phone boof)
Last edited by Gomez (2007-10-20 12:04:14)
even though my Son Harris is not in this thread yet, may I be the first to prehumously welcome him. Bless you, etc etc
"Raptor Jesus"? Wouldn't that be Chris Bosh?