Since Harris appears not to be the AAAT Harris the account is locked. Please don't use known posters names as it causes confusion. FNB and I don't read every post (or even every thread) so if there is something you think is suspect either use the report link on the post, email, or PM. and we will look into it.
and since I introduced that kid to the AAAC site, please just call me Dr. Frankenstein or steen.
I am banned for life and can't be bothered to read it. I appreciate people putting up the foreign posts so I can see what is going on.
I am sure there is a way around it. but maybe it isn't worth the effort.
Hey there Harris man, you know ya just gotta go with the flow fella, now how would it be if I wus to go gettin` my panties in a bunch every time some fella went impersonating me. uh-hu