It was indeed, brother.
Measurements seem to point to the earlier and fuller cut Topster. I'm a sucker for those swelled edges on Pendletons.
That's dynamite, man. If you're interested, there's a fine and hep looking muddy earthy muted toned mid-century bleeding madras sack on one of the two auction sites in what looks to be your size and for a square price - shoot me a PM if you want the link.
cheers Oli, but no, this'll do - like yourself, i'm trying to abstain - alas failing miserably. I have been pretty good, only spending paypal money from selling bits.
That's a great score! I'd pair it with navy or charcoal flannels, white button down and a solid silk knit with chocolate pebble grain longwings.
Lovely jacket, Colin. And of course you could put it atop some khaki or navy chinos.
Nice, thanks!
Charcoal flannels, white shirt, knit tie and chocolate pebble grain longwings. That I can, and will, do.
Navy chinos. Now they are something that has escaped my attention. Would almost certainly demand O'Connells to get decent rise in navy, I suspect.
Yep, navy chinos would work just as well though a soft flannel would really knock it out of the park. Check out O'Cs plain-front "midnight blue" lambswool.
Colin that's one of the roundest shoulders I've ever seen! wear it in good health!
Thing of beauty. A good POW is simply magical.
Ditto , that Jacket looks the absolute nuts.
Great find ^
Rare to see a triple-patch BB.
Last edited by Yuca (2015-11-03 10:59:47)