Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-30 01:18:24)
Does La Condonnerie only have bees wax polish? No creams? Very hard to get that brand for burgundy polish...six month waiting period.
Any type of burgundy shoe polish is very hard to find in Austrralia.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-29 09:39:27)
I think the "goes dry in the container" is a good test, although you cannot know that in the store at initial purchase. I also avoid products that smell strongly, as strong chemicals smell strongly (and I don't want to put strong chemicals on good shoes).
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-29 11:50:27)
Bloody hell-shooey , I allways thought I was dilligent about shoe cleaning - but I can see -I am some way behind your shoe cleaning regime.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-29 12:16:13)
I have only a few calfskin shoes. These I alternate between wax and cream. I use the Alden house brand for these or Kiwi. Calfskin also gets a Lexol treatment once in a while. I'm thinking that any wax won't do beans to keep the leather soft- you need conditioner for that. Shell cordovan gets the thinnest application of wax and only after about a dozen wearings. I've "Lexoled" old (10 year+) shell cordovan and it takes days to soak up. Once it's dry though it seems to work well to keep the leather soft. I'm leery of using Lexol on my lighter colored shoes as it tends to darken the leather permanently. ( that's okay for color#8). Shell gets VERY soft when it gets old and has a greater tendency to split at creases. I'll see if the Lexol prevents that.
Interestingly enough, Silvano Lattanzi rebrands Kiwi polish.
An' you'll lick the bloomin' boots of 'im that's got it.
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2007-10-29 22:30:53)
So what would be the suggestion? Saphir with their beeswax base?
Does Wigamore have, a wax line ?
Last edited by Vaclav (2007-10-30 16:56:13)