The following is a short test to see whether one can identify natural breasts from augmented breasts from photographs:
I got 57% correct, but I still feel like a winner
Sadly -my 15 year old nephew did considerably better than me on the test.
however since viewing the site I have a strange- constricting feeling in the chest area-and an irritating persistant cough-I wonder if there is any significance in this.
A dismal 70% correct - although I am cheered somewhat by noting that most of my errors were made mistaking natural breasts for products of the surgeon's art, which in "real" life would lead to a pleasant surprise.
73% correct and weirdly no pattern as to incorrect answers (4 naturals and 4 augmented incorrectly selected).
Well, I may not know clothes all that well, but it appears I know breasts. 100 percent correct.
Practice, practice, practice...
93%. I often sit with freinds on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach and play the real life version of this game.
A very wise man told me once, that if you can touch em, they are real.
95%. Not too badly, one might say.