shooman is a shaman
Sorry to chime in so late on Tony's post of October 31. But I have a quibble regarding the AAAC shoe leather creasing issue.
It seems to me that DunninLA's problem is not creases per se but rather incipient cracking. The leather on his Santonis may be starting to craze (or flake) at the flexion point. This would indicate, in an otherwise unexceptionable shoe, inferior leather. No amount of shoe treeing will correct that . . .
And another thing. While legitimate creasing is inevitable in most shoes, it still makes sense (to me) to fight against it. (Stop me if you've heard this: I prefer crumpled up newspaper!) Excessive creasing in shoe leather, like rumpled cloth in a blue serge suit, mars the line. And not only in the vamp, for creases lift the toe as well.
Just my two cents.
Last edited by Cruz Diez (2007-11-03 18:21:40)
The shoe trees with which I am familiar lack the torsion (is that the word?) to bend back a warped sole. I cannot imagine how a tree could extert that kind of pressure.
I am confused, too, about the notion that the tree should help the shoe in general to keep its shape. I'd have thought its purpose was to absorb moisture and pop creases out of the vamp. Doesn't the rest of the shoe (toe, heel, and so forth) pretty much take care of itself?
Just asking.
Now in Andy's sunny clime,
Where I used to spend my time
A-servin' of 'Er Majesty the Malindum
Of all them poor-dressed crew
The finest man I knew
Was our regimental bhisti, Shooma Din.
I sha'n't forgit the night
When I engaged amongst the forum fight
With a banning where my user name should 'a' been.
I was chokin' mad with thirst,
An' the man that e-mailed me first
Was our good old grinnin', gruntin' Shooma Din.
'E carried me shoos away
To where they dooli lay,
An' a banning come an' drilled the beggar clean.
'E put em safe inside,
An' just before 'e died:
"I 'ope you liked your shine," sez Shooma Din.
We've waxed lyrical!
I've taken a shine to "Shooma Din"!
"Din! Din! Din!
You shoo-shinin' heathen Shooma Din
Tho' I've laughed with you and played you
By the livin' Gawd that made you
You're a better man than I am Shooma Din!"
Do not lick, the brown, wax.
A warning against KIWI.
One presumes that youse know Kiwi manufactures for a variety of brands using the same basic Kiwi formulae. Kiwi also makes Meltonian.
In an earlier era, US military draftees smeared Johnson's Liquid Floor Wax on the toes of their inspection boots, rather than "spit" shining. Small bottles were sold in PX adjacent to all the other requisites of enduring and surviving "basic" training. Eye wonder how a concoction of Johnson's & Krug would work for that magic Berluti sparkle?
Sharing the same affliction of other shine, er, aficionados > Apparently he never visits with the Tradsters.
One wonders how many field brogue wearing chaps on the Look At My Shoes! (for the 47th time) sticky of AndyTrad ever shoot grouse?
How Kiwi's made >