My wife & I are looking to do more social activities, so now I'm looking for opera and ballet theaters in Atlanta.
Any suggestions on opera or ballet performances you enjoyed in Atlanta?
What do people wear? (Probably flip flops and shorts these days.) I would probably wear my gray custom suit.
We tried dancing lessons last month and it was a great adventure for both of us.
By the way, we went to an art sale / reception at a friends house and I think the guys wearing sports coats & blazers out numbered those who didn't by a slight number.
What? Could dressing well be coming back? I hope so.
Last edited by edhillpr (2007-11-05 15:40:46)
I don't know about the opera or ballet but I do know the symphony is considered to be decent and a quick glance at their website will tell you that the Symphony Ball is in a week or two. If you can dance you can always go somewhere. Dancing changed my life, but then again dancing changes everyone's life. you can go anywhere if you can dance a little.
By reputation, the south may be more dressy than anywhere else in the country today.
PS: I assume a dark suit is suitable for most events in the evening.
hey, that kid did lose 30 pounds. damn right it changed his life. He might even get married someday.