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#1 2007-11-06 12:44:24

Posts: 730

The Pleasant Thread...

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#2 2007-11-06 13:29:45

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

a very satisfying tune imho.

... ... ...


#3 2007-11-06 13:57:25

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

I shouldn`t like these things but I do.

for some strange reason I also like corned beef and spam.

Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-06 13:59:01)

... ... ...


#4 2007-11-06 19:26:38

Posts: 1330

Re: The Pleasant Thread...


#5 2007-11-06 23:55:15

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: The Pleasant Thread...


#6 2007-11-07 01:06:59

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#7 2007-11-07 01:10:10

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#8 2007-11-07 01:10:49

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

" I`m not a pheasant plucker"

... ... ...


#9 2007-11-07 01:12:37

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Mornin' Cheeky.

Got any work on today?

I'm doing the school run in a few mins.


"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#10 2007-11-07 01:20:35

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Good morning to you too uncle, hope you are well, weather today is a little misserable  ( overcast and drizzly with a stiff breeze- I understand the weather for the weekend is to be bright but cold -predicting -2 overnight on saturday)

school run  for me too Uncle-Mrs.monkey just supervising the brushing of Monkey juniors teeth.

Brief trip into town to organise a few things and then a stop at the local for a bite to eat with Mrs.Monkey at lunchtime.

how does it appear your day is going to pan out ?



... ... ...


#11 2007-11-07 02:09:33

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

I'm actually doing something worthwhile today (which is pleasant) - A neighbour has set up her own little craft pottery business complete with kiln & everything so I'm applying for rural business grants & women in business grants for her along with doing her business plan & ringing round the farmers market people to get her stuff out there.

It gives me a nice warm glow to do stuff like this.

VAT returns on the other hand... Not so much.

Lovely day here today - clear skys on the whole with just a few little fluffy white clouds dotted around. Quite mild too...
I've got a little bit of Jazz playing in the background (Coltrane, Ballards, on Impulse) and a cup of Tesco's 'Finest' Columbian to drink.
All in all I'm quite a happy chap today...

Very pleasant!


"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#12 2007-11-07 02:36:22

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Very nice of you to help out your neighbour in this way Uncle, getting any small business off the ground takes much hard work and dedication, along with the fact that cash flow can be some what erratic until the venture is established, will she be offering to pay for your assistance in Kind (pleasant)

My understanding is that we are due a harsh winter due to a particullar kind of goose ( can`t remember the species just now) arriving to these shores ,earlier  than normal this year from Russia.

Have you tried Tesco`s finest blend tea as yet- a deliciously robust flavour with a nuttyish overtone ( very pleasant indeed)

I tend to steer away from coffee these days (my doctor informs me it`s not good for the old Kidney stones - something to do with it being a diuretic of sorts) my last kidney stone opperation was enough to persuade me this was a good idea-having the stones broken into small pieces and then having a tube inserted  through your penis to your bladder and left there for 6 weeks tends to be a strong persuader.( not pleasant)

On the other hand the nice little nurse who helped to remove the tube ( stent) after the designated period- made it all nearly worthwhile ( pleasant)
see every cloud has a silver lining.

... ... ...


#13 2007-11-07 03:15:22

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Horace has just posted some things for me to read (Pleasant).

I will send my neighbour a big fat bill for my services in due course (I am not all that pleasant after all).

A boy has to eat.

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#14 2007-11-07 08:28:17

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Mrs.Monkey and I have returned from a leisurely lunch at our local hostelry-fortunately for me - afternoon drinking makes Mrs.Monkey fruity-so I am now going upstairs to join her for some monkey lovin`- I should be gone for 5 or 6 minutes-ooh-ooh ooh the funky gibbon.

... ... ...


#15 2007-11-07 08:37:24

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

well that was a very pleasant interlude-now back to business- onwards and upwards- what is the most trad..........

... ... ...


#16 2007-11-07 09:03:56

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

Congrats on your 500th post old sport!

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#17 2007-11-07 10:27:43

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

500 posts allready-bloody hell doesn`t time fly when your having fun-shagging-not a bad subject to have as ones 500th post either.

Anyway thankyou for the congratulations Uncle although I must say- how many of my posts have been informative is debatable-but I`ve had fun.

Now there`s another thing -Mike and myself signed up here at about the same time- whats your score Mike? -yer fuckin` lightweight-get your arse over here right now and congratulate me `cause it appears I am infinetley more knowledgable,superior and intelligent to you -because I have more posts-this is how this thing works isn`t it?

Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-07 10:46:21)

... ... ...


#18 2007-11-07 10:46:29

Posts: 730

Re: The Pleasant Thread...

And congrats on your 501st post, Sir!

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


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