Hear me now -
Met ma bitch at Sir Winston Churchills Flem spoon.'s
Said she'd go a walk with me
Took that skank down to J.Press
Funky lil' mutha in a Madras dress -
One time -
We be Traddin' -
(Word up)
I got sick of dirty looks
Took ma bitch across to Brooks
How I wish they'd not closed Chipp
When I saw that Brooks Bros shit -
Two times -
We be Traddin -
(Heads down)
^ Do please do something better than this on this thread..
^ Can I explain now I have won my £10 bet with your mate Dominic that he has been directing all my posts this afternoon.
Trad Number plates.
We be Traddin'.
Trad Christmas.
(And worse which I didn't do...)
All Dominic's own work.
Blame him, not me, and can I now have my good name back on this forum please.
And Trad Anthems - That was him too.
I'll have a bit more spare time tomorrow, folks - PM now with your requests.
I want a tenner out of it though.
How is Dominic doing? That dinner jacket of mine was a complete loss after that spill of his.
Dominics fine -He and his wife Jemimma were round for supper last night , we were discussing his bet with Uncle Jack- apparently he has now challenged Jack to develop a hoax over at AAAC- which I will say no more about at this stage -otherwise the cat will be out of the bag , but I will say it involves a couple of high profile posters overthere.
To be brutaly honest I`m not entirely sure why Dom has signed up to a clothing discussion site - to be generous -one could only at best describe Dominics style as ecclectic-the fragrant Jemimma however is a completely diffrent story.
At least you got your dinner Jacket back VT , last time I lent him an article of clothing ( an overcoat) -it has yet to be returned- apparently Jem was having a cleanout of the cloakroom for articles to give to the charity shop - and well you can imagine-I know it was an old overcoat but there was many years of wera left in it.
Dumb question:
Is Dominic a doctor?
Like you I am too well brought up to ever ask anybody what they do for a living, but he has this huge knowledge of the realities of the human condition and all it's attendant ills which makes me wonder...
Nice guy, tho'.
He owes me a tenner.
Criminal Barrister- but his elder brother is a Doctor - his beautiful younger sister is a gynecologist which can play havoc with an overactive imagination like mine.
I know that Jack is a Student of the Language of the American Streets.
Points if you can understand just what in the hell the kid with the corn
rows is saying when he buys a nail gun at the hardware store.
(about a minute or so in, I think).
Thanks, H.
You are my mentor.
Now I know what to say to really set off my Locust Vally Padlock.
I be plenty Trad, doncha know.