Damn it - I forgot to lay a bid on the yellow stiped Arrow!
Sidewinder I love Sero, great shirts too Oliver.
Great find H lovely and rich.
Tommy those smooths look tops.
/\ really hope that BB cord sack works out for you AC, has the potential to become a fave rave!
/\ +1, got to say those deadstock Penney boatsail cloth pre-cuffed tapered sanforized Big Mac army twills look excellent Bradley!
They're the benchmark, Brad! Nice find... just don't taper them up too much! sail cloth should be worn knockaround boho style; not super ivy college taper.
Lovely score Brad, they look pretty good on the taper front already.
Just got the shirts in and sadly they've all been shrunk down and starched to death. The Arrow popover fared the best and fits like a tapered size 15. The charcoal striped oxford that I was most looking forward too was hit the worst and probably fits like a tapered 14.5 now. The navy/olive is also really tight but I've decided that I like it enough to keep it long enough to see whether it gets worn or not. The shoulders are tight but I may be able to lower them a touch without it being noticeable as there's some extra cloth inside the sleeve.