Sorry I should explain he is the Labour MP for Norwich (ah-ha!)...clearly the Conservative cuts have gone as far to effect Mr Clive's tie allowance
He does dress very well and has good credentials, I am sure his backing of Corbyn's mob is an evolutionary dead-end and he will move on.
Teflon Dave is getting murdered on the front pages this morning from the right and the left wing long till Tory MP voices start to call for a resignation ? Even the Beeb look wobbly..all hail Boris!
Last edited by Bop (2016-04-10 05:29:32)
Red Kens been busted for doing off shore banking this morning, they're all at it.
It's quite common in my industry for contractors to set-up off-shore companies and company fronts to not pay tax, indeed, most of them are Brits and have a real arrogance and attitude that they are morally above having to pay tax. But they would be first in line to run back to Blighty for the services of the NHS if they had a life threatening condition. I won't touch these types with a barge poll. And they are all of the same sort: baby boomers with several wives and kids they have deserted for the joys of Thailand, reinforced with non-accredited technical and engineering degrees that sprouted overnight on the latest version of their CV's and/or their daughters real engineering degree they have photocopied and but their name on instead.
The Italians are also now setting up companies in the UK, the French in Switzerland to reduce the tax burden. I did a search recently and in a lock-up in Leeds there was something like 25 companies registered there. The taxes on staff wages in Italy are unbelievable, Italy is far from a cheap company if you employ someone 100% in the tax system, stoppages and added local taxes are something like 65%. As an example, I can employ 6 staff administration in The Netherlands for what it costs for 3 in Italy and the Italians pick-up net significantly less than the Dutch. Italy desperately needs to devalue it's currency to make it competitive, but sadly it is locked into the Euro.
But it's not only individuals, companies as well. The seaman passport is widely miss used and there's plenty of companies here in The Netherlands that have their onshore workers in Rotterdam dock areas with seaman passports. There was a big project recently where my company was representing the end-user client and one of the contractors here in The Netherlands had all their fabrication staff classed as sailors and they would move them around hotels and if there was a whiff of tax investigation they would then move the person overseas.
You also have here in The Netherlands a lot of EU and International Organisations where if you have a staff job you don't pay any tax at all. Quite unfair really when the rest of us have to paying for all the services here.
Looking at the Cameron situation to date, if that's all they have on him, well, by corruption standards in most countries, it's not very much. The calls from Ken Livingstone for Cameron to resign seem a bit much to me. Indeed, anything that comes from a man who advised Venezuela in economic policy strikes me as not credible.
In the oil & gas industry there's also the Unaoil scandal that's broken recently, a number of my ex-colleagues are implicated in Kazakhstan and ENI. The interesting thing here was that the Italians always used Brits to do the dirty business as go betweens, realising that behind the honest façade, there are many pirates and also an abundance of legal loop holes in the UK than can be exploited. The big one I came across where companies all registered in the same legal offices in London where the shareholders were deliberately hidden, because they were actually employed by the client or partners. A big no go.
When an average person gets clobbered for inheritance tax something is fundamentally wrong with the system.
It is mostly a case of a tax on assets that have been acquired out of taxed income. Taxed twice. The wealthy plan ahead and avoid inheritance tax. Even socialists like Tony Benn. Ordinary folk do not and their assets get confiscated.
Thresholds were supposed to be raised to prevent this happening. Never happened because it is a nice little earner for governments.
People will start hiding their assets.
I bet if David Cameron's dad was around today he wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
Why did he have hardening of the arteries of something?
Is California feeling the Bern?
Ive been follow this story for a few months as Mrs Bop holds a vote in California..even up to a few weeks ago Bernie didnt look like he had a chance now some polls put him only a few points short.. Im.sure most Californian's will think he's just Larry David shooting a new pilot
Death taxes and duties have always been there. My great great Grandmother had with all the medals of her two sons killed in WWII the letters advising of His Majesty's Pleasure in charging death duties which was a cheek I suppose being that one died in Burma with the chindits and another went down on one of the Japanese POW hell ships.
Indeed, you need to get your property in some kind of trust to protect and survive for your offspring:
I read that Dave's parents boxed clever over the inheritance tax...signed their home over to his brother and then he gave Dave a load of dosh. Has to be done a minimum of seven years before death apparently.
I also read that Corbyn paid too much tax as he thought he'd earned more than he had. Sure his advisers said it'd be good PR to release that info now but I'm thinking he must be an idiot. What sort of a moron doesn't know what he's earned in a year and pays to much tax?
Other news...I'm still taking on cash jobs in the evenings and at weekends. No job too small.