The square? Please explain.
For those not in the know, the allusions here are to Freemasonry. Not being a member of the Craft, I'll let those who are reveal anything further if they wish to.
Isn't it "square and compass"
So coincidental that you should bring this up. I'm actually hoping to get into a local lodge (A.F. & A.M.) , which happens to be the one of which my paternal grandfather was Past Master in the 1940s and reached 32nd degree. Although never in DeMolay, I won my hometown lodge's scholarship in high school for an essay on what it meant to me, but have not felt sufficiently grounded to join a local church and civic organizations until this, my final year of law school, when I finally have an expectation of being somewhere other than my hometown for a period of years . Since, as I understand it, one cannot be asked to join, I am going to initiate contact with the current WM in the coming weeks and see what can be done. Both the cousins with whom I expect to practice law in the next year or two are also "on the square" as it were, as well as another cousin on the other side and my maternal grandfather, so I guess I'd have some company!
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-14 07:56:12)
If I was serious about being in business I'd join.
NO OTHER organisation will help you as much... 'Rotary' is rubbish...
And at the same time you will do an enormous amount of good for certain (very) selected good causes!
Win-win for WASPS!
Rah-Rah-Rah -
I'm being flippant as usual, but they do do a lot of good.
I don't join because it's too grown-up for me.
It`s a funny thing about freemasonary- but under their rules they are not permitted to canvas for membership - so as such they are experiencing difficulties in attracting new membership- they can guide and encourage - but the bottom line is that any prospective canadate for initiation - has to request to join.
I know Dominics a mason in one of the legal lodges - his fathers old lodge as it happens - and that being the case was able to be initiated at 18 rather than the usuall 21 - membership appears to have stood him in good stead in respect of his career.
Coolidge, if they ask you to sodomize a goat...just walk away.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-14 13:13:25)
Thank you for the clarification.
I think most MBs are join-ers in a certain way... wanting to be a part of something and all that.
The cliche is that they join on-line virtual communities & not real life ones.
Cooly proves the cliche to be wrong.
Whilst the US seems to have quite a few of these societys- does anyone no anything about the other British society-I think it`s called something like the -ancient order of woodsmen (I can`t get the image out of my mind -that it could be a secret society for porn actors with big knobs)
but it is definately something to do with wood.
^ Never 'eard of it!
Usually it's Rotary (declasse dweebs) or the Masons (a bit more exclusive) in my experience.
Just done a search-it is not ancient order of woodsmen-but ancient order of foresters- although I think my original thought was better.
maybe it`s a society I could establish-anyone intrested in joining?
Only if it has a good handshake.
There are many pubs in the British isles that bair the name of oddfellows things like- the Oddfellows arms etc- they are a friendly society-meaning they band together to offer mutual support and finance.
My understanding is that any pub bearing the name Oddfellows is where a meeting of this particular society used to occour.