Does J.Press stock sizes other than shown on their website? For example, sweaters in XXL or sizes in blazers larger than 46 or 48, or am I better off checking the Andover Shop? Thanks. Guess i could call the store, but I figured those on here would be more familiar.
Best to call or e-mail Steed. Andover might have them in-stock. Inventories at both stores differ.
edit: I'm pretty sure Andover Cambridge has 46 and 48 in suits, jackets, blazers.
Last edited by Horace (2007-11-16 23:11:23)
And I've found that of late a Press Medium is much smaller an Andover Medium when it comes to Shetlands so I'd guess for larger sizes you'd be better off going with the Andover. Time was when Press & Andovers' Shetlands and sizing were pretty much the same back in the 'LOKL' years... 'Till Press made the change to their new supplier.
Thanks for the replies. My others are PRL (old and thin) and BB (newer but not worth the $$). I have read great things about the Barbour sweaters on STP, so perhaps I will give them a try. Looking for something with some substance, more plush than what I have found. Any recommendations?
One other thing about Press: I don't know about the current year offerings, but the t-shirts and whatnot were sized up, so that while I'll take a large in a Brooks mercerized, I'll take a M in a Press. I want something slightly tight on the chest, as I don't like the baggy feeling underneath a dress shirt, so caveat on that.
edit: hey ol' chum,
I note on STP that they no longer carry the Barbour Shetlands of a few seasons ago, though they do carry these
lambswool crewnecks:,02,_Barbour-Lambswool-Crew-Neck-Sweater-For-Men.html
Haven't tried them, but I might invest in that color.
Last edited by Horace (2007-11-17 20:40:37)
H- Thanks for the info.
As I am attempting to get into shape, the size may not be much of an issue, though I doubt I will lose much across the shoulders and chest. I do have a Press navy blazer that I recieved from Brownshoe which is gorgious, but a bit too tight in the shoulders.
Being very broad shouldered and barrell-chested, perhaps the natural shouldered, undarted looks will compliment my build very well. I dont need the padding at all. Looks funny on other coats I've worn.
Havent decided what to do about the shetland crews. The Barbour in lambswool looks nice, and there are some Scott Barbers on STP that look appealing. I want to wait and hear back from OConnells and Andover before deciding. I would rather support those merchants first.
I will report my findings. I may not be the only one around with those requirements.