If you want to entice a woman, put away your suits and ties, and chinos and OCBDs, and put on a pair of carpenter jeans and a work shirt...
Lot of curious presumptions in the video, especially that "white collar" occupations are inherently more remunerative (hence, "upscale") than "blue collar." This is, I think, fallacious in a great many cases. In my neck of the woods, police and fire salaries are very munificent. Many trade unionists are grossly overpaid relative to the work they do. Many blue collar jobs have more opportunity for lucrative overtime hours compared to white collar. Plumbers do very well for themselves (and many are crooks and swindlers, as I have found to my cost), and so it goes....
By way of contrast, a great many white-collar jobs are not very remunerative, especially those in which women are heavily represented--teachers, librarians, social workers and most office/clerical employment, for example. The number of women, relative to the general white collar work-force, who are in highly remunerative employment or professions is comparatively small. Actually, the same is true of men. Most of us are not high-level executives, high-dollar attorneys and whatnot.
It's also interesting that women now outnumber men on most college and university campuses. At one state university near where I live, the ratio is 2-to-1. I think there are two causes for this: An institutionalized favoritism toward women that has been regnant in academia for the past 35 years or so and a realization by many young males that they can do perfectly well without the expense and bother of college. Thus, the turn of white-collar women toward blue collar men may also simply be a matter of demographic necessity.
As to an intellectual/cultural disparity between the white-collar women and blue-collar men, I say poppycock! College does an abysmal job of imparting general culture, and the vast majority of women, in my experience, have no general knowledge and no intellectual curiosity. In my experience there is nothing any woman hates, no matter what her level of education, more than the sight of her man taking his pleasant ease with a good book!
Last edited by captainpreppy (2007-11-17 22:17:55)
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-17 18:18:44)
Last edited by Horace (2007-11-17 20:27:17)
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-18 09:44:23)
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-18 09:27:04)
I have not been thrilled with these posts. All I will say is that the girl I have been escorting lately is so much smarter than me that it is scary. I mean way scary. And how pleased am I?
Tom, to use an analogy with which we're both familiar, I'd love to find an Audrey (or for you Brits, a Dinny Cherrell) but I'm not sure they exist. Maybe you've got the only one.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-19 20:28:35)
I also think part of the appeal that women have for uniformed--or blue collar--men is that there is a slumming aspect. They feel slightly sinful for engaging in these sorts of affairs, or what have you.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-11-19 20:57:58)
Oh no. All my life I have been enamored of women who were brighter than I. There are a lot of them out there. ( though I ain't no dummy) And as one of my stunningly attractive, bright freinds assures me, from the twenties on, girls out number boys. I think it is just a matter of associating in the proper social circles. Coolidge, maybe you need to meet a Radcliffe girl.
What I need to do is graduate law school so I have less time to sit around when I'm in a snarky mood posting on message boards. Let's be honest here.
Women...whatever. It all works itself out...just another game that you can't play by overthinking it.