mr Cheeky Monkey,
as my parting wish i must say that i wish to see you post more frequently, as you have the most erudite posts in this whole wide MB world (excepting vaclava krishna of course). i leave you, my friend, with these parting words
may the road rise up to meet you.
may the wind always be at your back.
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
and until we meet again,
May god hold you in the palm of His hand.
affectionately yours,
CM is indeed the next generation, Uncle.
Tomorrow belongs to him and we couldn't wish for a better, brighter son.
Sláinte chugat!
and to kabbliacci i say
go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat
Ahhhh, Gomie -
You, me and Conne... We're a rare breed to be sure!
There's none to touch us,
There's none above us.
we're very wilde aren't we?
Born to be Wilde!
you're my favourite irish pathologist
Returning to Cheeky -
I need numbers to book the table for lunch for next Saturday's Celebration of Sartorial Disobedience in Cheltenham.
You & Dom in?
yes i will rope tangent into it. I will be his designated driver.
Mr.Gomez -what can I say _I`m truly flattered by your and Uncle Jacks comments.
All I can hope to achieve is to carry the torch and maintain the standards -you and Uncle Jack -have set.
Without being too presumptious would you allow me hence forth to refer to you as great uncle Gomez.
I have my feet planted firmly on the ground- and realise I have yet much to learn.
I see you -great Uncle as Yoda- the wise and benevolent Jedi master
I see Uncle Jack as Obi wan Kanobe- the patient and knowledgable teacher
and have yet to decide wether to be Annakin Skywalker -later to become Darth Vader.
or Luke Skywalker.- both students of Yoda and Obi- one turning to the dark side the other honouring and maintaining the tradition of his teachers.
perhaps my sights are aimed too high and I would be as well settling for being chewbacca the wookie.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-17 14:57:46)
TBD is in.
Conne would be a great addition too... But I suspect travel may be a problem for him at the moment.
A table for 6 it is then:
Viscount T.,
& me.
... Of course with all our sock puppet personalities that's more like a table for 60 in internet terms...
One day I hope it all becomes clear how many various personas are behind which various actual people. Confusing enough.
^ Everything is good!
I remember an interview with the Python team where they said that the reason they'd have that guy taking forever to say "It's..." was because they loved to waste people's time.
Boredom for the reader as a trolling device has it's place too.
^ There is much in what you say.
I wonder if it doesn't all come down to just how filled with derision you are for the subject or people you are trolling?
Our FNB 'Harris' of not too long ago put in minimum effort & caused maximum stink. I see him as being nicely fuelled by contempt for his subject matter.
I can't claim a sneer as heartfelt as his, but I have enjoyed reveling in pointlessness when it comes to the discussion of Trad...
There can be an abstract enjoyment in the meaninglessness of it all sometimes... No?
Should you really be putting all your best work into all this rubbish anyway?
I really ought to drink more...
Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-11-18 11:48:37)
That American/Trad thread was miles and miles long!
^ Whoda? Whatda?
Hang on...
Don`t think so Uncle-post time seems wrong-unless he is now setting his alarm clock to get up and post in the middle of the night.
I also think it could be to obvious to be Dom- unless we are back into the realm of reverse psycology again -which Dom is a master of.
That being the case -your original assumption -would be correct and- it is Dom.
Oh - my - head - !!!!