My lord tangent informs me that he will on no account sit in Mr Lean's corduroy armchair
Is it really true that Mr. Joe Tradly thinks that you are me (or I am you)?
FNB told me a story that some also think that he is me & I am him...
One fool on SF thought I was Brother Vaclav too...
Jack, I have no axe to grind with Joe, I like him, but it is true after news of our meeting was posted, I did recieve a message from him declaring some confussion, to be honest I can understand that confusion, lets face it prior to our meeting in Harrogate we had hardly been kind to one another across the sartorial divide, but that is now water under the bridge.
To my mind Joe is definately one of the good guys.
Yeah. Joe tries to make sense of 'Trad' & make it fly. He does good work.
I would suggest the one -to the far right is nearest in colour to- Natucket reds.
Although the one- laid down on the far left is probably the closest in colour to bills khakis.
Why not ask a certain homosexual moderater over at AAAC which he finds most appealing -then we will have our answer.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-19 11:53:08)
Bloody hell -Big Tony .
That sounds reminiscent of a conversation I once had with a chap who went to a diffrent boarding school to my own.
"well off course -when I was at school whilst a teenager there were many boys like myself with hormones gushing through ones body-off course we had no access to girls- only our own peer group - so inevitably there was a fair amount of buggery taking place-I have been buggered and buggered others - doesn`t make me homosexual -because I enjoyed a bit of buggery whilst at school-I also enjoyed partaking of a game of cricket- no good at the bloody sport so certainly didn`t make me a cricketer. I have to say though I much prefered buggering than been buggered"
As for me - well I was a damm fine cricketer and took up smoking rather than buggery-but each to their own -it doesn`t make me homophobic just because I don`t fancy the idea of being buggered.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-19 12:18:51)
that's very interesitng, Mr Lad. Mr monkey, did you attend the same school as Mr Lad, or Mr Dom?
i must confess, to having a bit of a crush on Mr monkey. Please dont tell him
Yes, but what about the votive candles?
Uncle Jack- votive candles are supposed to be for an offering to the good lord Jesus or the Blessed Virgin- not for offering to put up another boys bottom.
Besides our school wasn`t Catholic or High Anglican-so we had to improvise.