as we have an ask fnb thread, and also essentially an ask peter and paul thread, i think it's high time for a thread
that makes use of thw accumulated wisdom of Mr Cheeky Monkey, and, if he'll be our go-between, Mrs Monkey as well.
so here is my first question: which has been your favourite trolling topic, or would be, if you did actually troll (not saying you do): class, traddism, or fogeyism?
much obliged, in advance
i remain
your humble savant
uncle g
also, might i ask you and mrs monkey co-jointly, what is your favourite breakfast fruit?
Last edited by Gomez (2007-11-24 07:04:06)
great questin- mr eg- in fact, my hands are rather itchy- hence i will be reitiring as of 1 december.
Mr Jack_the_Bad, i would also be most curious- to know of your favvouite breakfast fruit as well-
great uncle -g how the fuck are you-or more to the point where the fuck are you-i thiought you was joining us all to get right rioyally pissed - nice of you to start another thread for me though i`ve just-come up to kmy room to check on email -were having a gerat time- pissed as lords I think incle jack as great now ive met him face to face - i v`e just left Dom stood on a table singing "do your balls swing loe -with the rest of them joining in the chorus.
Tommy bell seems a nice fella but fuck he canty half through drinks down -ive beeb trying to matvh him drin for drink and mnot doinf quite ad well as him.
I will repotr back later .
best to all Niiel -CM
by the way mrs monkey like s ausage for breakfast.
i will ansewr other question s when not as drunk.
best to you all cheekt mobnkeui.
Cheeky, have you see my glasses?
What did the stain taste of?
Cheeky who is your favourite musical Duo.
we quite like the Proclaimers.
Paul and Peter
I used to Like Donny and Marie Osmond.
I was also quite partial To Robson and Jeromes version of Unchained Melody.
In a similar vein the Cheeky girls are pretty good -and are a much underated musical talent- imho. Though I wouldn`t want to shag the ugly one-the good looking one however...
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-25 13:05:33)