Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-11-25 04:33:28)
Who's W. Bill Tweed tie do I still have, btw?
I remember somebody saying I should look after it for them, but not who.
It is quite safe whoever's it is.
Just arrived back home in Cumbria Uncle-dropped Dom off on the way.
what a fantastic afternoon and evening-(although if truth be known I have been feeling the effects of such conviviality all day)-the ties not mine -btw-although what use the wool tie I was wearing will ever be again - god only knows-it has quite an array of drink and food on it -I can definately recognise-the sharaz stain the rest are unrecognisable- gives me a great idea for Mr.Eric Glennie to pursue though- a spill and stain proof -drinkers tie ( run with it Eric -it`s a stupendously good idea).
So good to meet yourself-Tom and VT - after so many online conversations. I second Uncles thoughts- with a Big thankyou for FNB and Jeeves for allowing repbrobates like us to meet - via the Big mans website.
speaking with Dom on the way back -I understand you and he have cooked up quite a scheme-for the festive season -as a gift -as it were.
should be fun.
Real shame G.U.Gomez couldn`t make it I would really have liked to meet him.
I think I will now have a quiet sit down - with 2 headache tablets and a hot mug of cocoa.
Thanks again to all concerned- for a super dayand especially to Tom for the equine tour - hopefully next year we can make it a bigger event with more members.
Do you think we should have it every year on the Saturday before Christ the kings feast day.
I hazard, we will never see the photos?
Sounds like you all had a lovely time, and many drinks were taken.
Imagine if we had been there: you would have been seeing double long before you were all drunk.
If you are meeting again next year, we will ensure to keep the weekend free.
It`s a bit of a nightmare when Paul over indulges with alcohol (I have a much higher tolerance to booze than him) and I end up having to carry him around for the remainder of the night>
I just wanted to take the opportunity,of thanking you all for a marvellous afternoon of fun and frivolity.
Jack very nice to see you again, let the crusade continue.
Cheeky and Dom lovely to have finally met you,Dom whilst we don`t entirely see eye to eye on the trolling situation I can admire the sheer audacity of what you are doing, please bare in mind, many people do get enjoyment out of just chatting on line, behind the precurser of clothing.
Cheeky I will speak to you before boxing day, to make the arrangements.
Viscount Tangent you have an encyclopedic knowledge , thankyou for being there and bringing so much to the afternoon, it was very nice to have met you, and don`t worry as Jack will confirm, we all know the game and I don`t bare grudges so anything in the past is done with.
As for next year, I have allready marked it in my diary.
best wishes to all of you.