Looking back on a wonderful and memorable weekend with Uncle Jack, VT, TB-D and Dom it occours to me that here at FNB we have a smaller membership base -but without doubt a far more knowledgable crowd-Covering the breadth and width of Anglo trad, Am trad, Ivy, fogey, etc.
I wondred wether the Andy Trad crowd would be willing to put their money where their collective mouths are-and undertake a pop quiz on the subject -somewhat like the old University Challenge -with Bamber Gascoine.
Off course it would have to be on Neutral territory-Perhaps over at style forum.
To make it worthwhile there has to be a prize-how about if The Andy trad team win we pull all our sock pupetts and trolls. but if we win we are permitted to post unhindred.
Lets see if they really know their stuff-or if their knowledge is as shallow as their history and tradition.
Get your people to arrange it with our people -ya fakers.
It is possible to notice that many older members of Andyland are not posting around anymore, recently. Even the Squire is AWOL. There seems to be a real "clothes horse" mentality growing, as some of them have dozens of suits and jackets, dozens of shoes, etc. And keep adding dozens on a weekly basis.
I suspect some people cannot keep up and have walked away.
How many clothes can one wear?
There are only 365 days in a year, not all must be in a suit.
Also, factor in vacations, which don't need a suit.
So how many clothes do you really need?
Long Wing is making sense over there, recently.
Where the hell is Familyman?
He was normal, and I liked seeing his posts.
The posters on the What Are You Wearing Today thread are better than ever:
Even those that have been posting photos longest:
They all look great - better than ever. Dying on it's feet? I don't think so.
AAAT has a lot of beginners. You see this as a weakness. I see it as a strength.
AAAT has a few masters. They talk about clothes (not forum bullshit). They post pictures. They have influence.
Trad is now.
Ivy is in yearbooks.
Last edited by mike (2007-11-30 06:15:27)
Two Muppets at once!
Bring it on -
You can't win because you have no ammo. Trad is as fake as fake can be. 2004 on the internet & counting...
How can you tell me its not made up when me & my team helped to contrive it?
Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-11-30 06:19:12)
LOL - I'm gettin my laughs for today - thanks Jack. Just don't let the green eyed monster make you too bitter - LOL
Really - Bring it on.
You never do because you can't.
Tell me what "Trad" is?
Can you even do that?
You want a scrap?
On my side, I'll take the NYC Trad Trio: Polling, Phil, Brownshoe.
What has London got? All I see is smoke ..... er, fog.
Bitter, party of one, your table is ready.
I've just told you what trad is: Polling, Phil, Brownshoe.
Show me some style.
C'mon - spill it.
Tell me 'Mike'.