We must make the most of him while we still have him...
Make him one of the Mods over at AAAC - there isn`t anyone who has contributed as much as G.U. Gomez over there-his post count combined must be in the tens of thousands.
I am intruiged by the claim, that he has been posting on Andyland for so long. I am not convinced that the first weeks of December will see a disappearance of key members...
I wonder if Alan C. will suddenly disappear?
... ????
le'ts just say that mr gilchrist would not have been able to have his 10,000 member benchmark orgy as soon as he did without moi.
my last day-mr lad - in sindeed friday, and a banning on saturday would indeed be an honour-especially on such a site as fnb.com. bless you, my nephew
We'll miss you Gomie. Take care ole chum.
Gomers ol' chum,
we hardly knew ye.
Toodle pip,
G U Gomez leave us a sign-show us one of your creations.
Was Tom-Bell Drier one of G U Gomezs` -it looks like Tom has been saying his good byes over at AAAC.
But I must confess to some confussion
I always thought Tom was one of Jacks`
But why would Jack -off load one of his Socks unless the two that GU gomez bequeathed him are better socks.
Was the Cubic Rube also Tom or is he one of Jacks.
Who does Williamson Micawber Rocco and Rossini belong to?
Bloody hell -it`s getting really confusing
You don`t think by any chance that the Squire is one of Jacks -do you.
I think I know who Trad to the Bone is though- Dom told me.
Anyone sussed Dom`s playmates over there yet?