Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike - You've never really been of any use here...
I love you, but you're a punchbag at best.
I just don't need you, son.
Hang yourself?
Best -
I don't get that.
Last edited by mike (2007-11-30 10:54:30)
Why is there a link between my sage advice and JS's shop?
I've shopped far more in the US.
I'm wearing a Crimson Shop BD you know...
(Pssssst - This is Cheeky Monkey's gauntlet , btw, we are both just doing what he wants for a laugh - Remember?)
Best -
A laugh, exactly, that's what this is about. You are always praising Simons as your introduction to you so called Ivy. Your passion for Ivy and seeming hatred for Trad seems so serious. I simply equate this with someone outside the Trad idiom trying to be more Trad than Trad. Very amusing really. What's sad is you seem to get so upset when someone disagrees with you and you resort to telling them to fuck off or something. A comic-tragedy yes indeed. "Why laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
All the best 'Jack'. I look forward to laughing in the future.
^ What is the "trad idiom"? Is that the province of the pure-bred Americans only? What are the membership requirements to the Trad Club?
I will never understand this fight.
The FNB Ivy guys have great historical knowledge of the style. I see them as the archivists. They know the names, the shops, the details of exactly how it was done in the glory years.
The AAAC crowd are more concerned with making this style, or some attainable version of it, work for them today, in the real world.
The AAAC "lifestyle" focus is unfortunate, as is FNB's weird tendency toward hostility and cattiness, but nobody's perfect.
I have always seen the sites as complementary and enjoy and benefit from both immensely. If some people get a little silly...well, it's a silly old world.
And thanks for the very kind words from some of you guys. You are the wind beneath my wingtips.