Can we get 4 pages on this?
Begger me -
Last edited by mike (2007-11-30 12:04:17)
So I guess we all learned a lot about each other today up here on Walton's Mountain -
"Trad" was defined at last by a proper thinking "Trad",
- And the rest of us all had fun being rude to each other -
Goodnight Cheeky,
Goodnight Mikey,
Goodnight Tony,
Goodnight Brownshoe,
Godonight Iannappie,
Godnight Horace,
Goodnight Grandma,
... Goodnight Jacky.
I'm chopped liver!?
Good night, Boney.
Good night, Jack.
That's bad - I left you out T3, my bad.
At some point tomorrow we'll all get together again -
Ain't no party like a TradBash party!
... When I wear Weejuns I do so in a better way than when a "Trad" does because I don't wear them in a "Trad" way - I wear them like we used to in 2003... Back before "Trad"...
Yes, there was a time...
Good night Jack. Keep your hands to yourself.
Fuck me ( that`s not an invitation by the way) I go to the pub -come back for a little read and boom "trad war III" -has broken out .
In the intrest of peace and harmony and keeping things moving on :-
what is the tradest car?
Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-12-01 03:13:39)
Purely a postscript - This morning Tom Bell-Drier "bumped" all of Russell Street's old threads over on AAAC.
I don't know if Tom is now banned, but I do know that all the threads (but one) have now been un-bumped by the mods.
If I wanted to I could bump them all again tomorrow.
And the day after that.
... ... ... ... ... ...
My little message here is that "Trad" is a troll forum. You know it, I know it.
Harris was a troll & we trolled him & created the forum.
I'm happy that mods want to protect the place & keep it spinning on purely because it makes them all my bitches. They add to the joke no end.
The "Trad" forum does have a sort of value though as a monument to the late great Gomez...
And a bit like my old "Fogey" troll thread we have created something that a certain sort of person loves over there - A lovely Fantasy Island full of funny little people like "The Squire".
God Bless the creative power of trolls!
So in conclusion (and in all modesty) I would remind my "Trads" that their forum is mine. Whenever they use the word "Trad" they are referencing me & my chums and our trolling. Trolling based on trolling another troll - Harris.
Dear old "Trad" - It's such a whore's forum. With my blessing - Enjoy!
Now Harris was a troll as well? Mind posting those of your puppets which were already outed or banned? Sorry it has been hard for me to follow all of this.
The mammoth American/Trad thread at AAAT which is attributed to Harris creation. Harris contradictions are believed to be proof that he is, in fact a Troll.
I brought up a question what would we do if Harris hadnt been real? This got me banned, for no other reason than to raise the question. Does that sound like paranoia on the part of the mods?
I understand. Why would the mods care if he were real or not? He may have been the reason for starting the Trad forum, but would it really matter if he was just a faker?
Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-12-02 04:00:19)
Last edited by Jack_The_Lad (2007-12-02 01:50:30)
Don't you think the Net. is a tawdry place?