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#1 2007-11-19 10:35:39

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Doms` Gossip.

Those of you who have been following closely- will know that Dom and a number of his sock puppets have secreted themselves over at AAAC.

Dom is using some new tracking softwear that will identify any chosen persons internet activity.

In exchange for letting him off -the tenner -I won of him in a bet-by guessing one of his sock puppets- he has shared the following.

Which wannabe gangster -spends much time perusing current affair internet sites -and repeating what he has read in the interchange?

Which moderator is having ongoing email conversations with a tie maker going by the name of Charles?

Whisc high profile southern trad pseudo aristo spends a not insubstantial amount of time surfing sites of hot naked college girls - his apparent favourite going by the name of Stacey?

Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-11-19 11:02:40)

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#2 2007-11-19 11:09:08

Posts: 730

Re: Doms` Gossip.

And for those who think this is funny Dom emailed me my last Tesco direct delivery details this PM.

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#3 2007-11-19 11:28:42

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

LOL- he`s a card isn`t he uncle-he emailed me with details of the internet order I placed at Hamleys for master Monkeys christmas present -not 10 minutes after placing the order.

... ... ...


#4 2007-11-19 11:37:06

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: Doms` Gossip.

he even intercepted several of my pms to mr darren beaman, encouraging him to  set up a franchise business in nyc with me


#5 2007-11-19 13:05:45

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Great Uncle Gomez  -How many of your incarnations -has Dom discovered at La La land?

... ... ...


#6 2007-11-19 14:24:50

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: Doms` Gossip.

only a low double digit per centage


#7 2007-11-19 15:29:26

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

... ... ...


#8 2007-11-19 15:31:20

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: Doms` Gossip.

i find being a frenchman is hardest, or a young male from california


#9 2007-11-21 11:55:13

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

I have just been speaking with Dom- it would appear that some very intresting -Emails and PM`s are being exchanged and passed back and forth- between the mods and more senior members-over at aaac in an attempt to identify and flush out- trolls and sock puppets- along with research of existing data bases that exist on members.

It seems like there is a purge on and it is going to be the night of the long Knives .

... ... ...


#10 2007-11-21 12:20:10

Posts: 144

Re: Doms` Gossip.

I've been hunting quite a bit, but never for Trolls. Is there a bag limit?

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.


#11 2007-11-21 12:30:07

Posts: 730

Re: Doms` Gossip.

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#12 2007-11-21 12:32:10

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

My understanding is-that it`s open season-no bag limit-due to the fact that a bag limit is usually imposed to preserve the species from extinction.

... ... ...


#13 2007-11-21 12:42:13

Posts: 144

Re: Doms` Gossip.

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.


#14 2007-11-21 13:06:12

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

From what Dom says- they are after some of the higher profile and most dissruptive cross forum posters  of the troll species -and are quite giddy about being in a possition to name and shame.

He confirms they have identified one of mine and he is fairly sure they have fingred two of his.

The one they are really keen to get - and this is probably quite obvious is Uncle Jack or more specifically his sock puppets and AAAC personas.
but he thinks Uncle is safe for the moment.

He says they have no idea about where to start with great Uncle Gomez but they feel he is a really- high profile poster and suspect shock waves will occour when they pinpoint him, he is the AAAC deep throat.

From one of the tracked emails he has deduced that they intend to rid the forum of as many trolls as possible at this stage-with firmer moderation  to be implemented- with a two strikes and you are out - ruling.

They are also talking about a more stringent registration process-in an attempt to deter trolling in the future.

So in answer to your question Mr.Laxplayer - they want the lot of them but the bigger and better equates to trophys.

It seems Andy wants some mounted heads for his study to look down upon his Guardsmans` tunic.

... ... ...


#15 2007-11-21 13:39:10

Posts: 144

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Well, as an experienced game hunter, I must say that the big trophy buck can be quite elusive. There is a reason he has survived all of those years. Obviously if someone is savvy enough computer wise to read other's PMs, he must be pretty good. It will be interesting to watch I guess, though I've never really paid much attention to the whole troll thing. The only ones that irritate me are the vulgar ones that appear from time to time spouting racist comments or complete nonsense just to start a fight.

We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.


#16 2007-11-22 04:18:36

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

According to Dom-anyone they find trolling- they no longer intend to put the proclamation banned beneath-the user name -but instead to put a block on the account-apparently they have come to the conclusion that the banned declaration is being used as a badge of honour -within troll circles.

... ... ...


#17 2007-11-22 04:21:23

Posts: 730

Re: Doms` Gossip.

They catch on fast! wink

"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#18 2007-11-22 13:28:44

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Looks like DougNZ may have sussed out one of Doms`-Sock puppets - a nice chap from New Zealand-we`ll have to see how it plays out.

... ... ...


#19 2007-11-22 13:38:54

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Doms` Gossip.


#20 2007-11-23 05:07:51

Posts: 730

Re: Doms` Gossip.

I have just christened Dom 'The Cookie Monster' and he's tickled pink.

I propose we all call him this from now on.


"I like a bit of a cavort..."


#21 2007-11-23 05:12:11

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

LOL - he`s just got of the phone with me -to tell me the new nick name you have given him.

He says it will tie in quite nicely with the "bedroom" name Jemmima has for him- King Dom.

Although before he was called to the Bar (legal -not Public) his nick name amongst his contemporaries was Con Dom.

... ... ...


#22 2007-12-04 08:43:31

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Just got off the phone with Dom-For some reason he thinks that his case load takes precedence over his AAAC adventures- so this snippett of gossip is hardly hot off the press-but it is non the less revealling.

All the hoo ha -over at AAAC -with respects to the lost post count totals-is a smokescreen -they carried out an investigation of cross refrenced posts ,post times and dates to establish any patterns or discrepancies- off course they only went back at this stage to may 2006 - but expect more activity of this nature soon to attempt to purge who they regard as the undesirables.

As the Gabba Goul would no doubt have it Kristal -nicht ( how andyghetto Fabulous baby)

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#23 2007-12-09 17:37:15

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Alphadelta is back after serving his 30 day ban for a 20 point rule infringement - set down by the fair and honourable Mr. Kebbab

Offering earnest appologies to the entire forum-which is only fair really- considering he mentioned politics in the fashion forum.

A much stricter moderator would have insisted on a hanging-so hurrah for Mr.Kebabbs leniancy in this instance.

In future Mr. Alphadelta -you would be well advised to toe the party line- or it`s the gulags for you.

... ... ...


#24 2007-12-09 17:40:50

Posts: 1330

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Is this which you, speak operation, Candiru ?


#25 2007-12-09 17:55:47

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Doms` Gossip.

Ah the old south American -willy fish-operation.


This is a different one-this is the guinea worm -one.

Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-12-09 18:09:13)

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