These are good. More like this. They have their place, but you gotta be spunky to rock da bow I think.
Sadly I just lack the juice.
Being of Southern Frat Boy extraction, I love bows, always have. It's the sort of thing I learned at school. Thill think my favs are regimentals.
l much prefer a bow over a conventional neck tie (easier to manage), and l probably could get away with a bow in my day job. l plan to rescue the bowtie one day; one day.
l feel perfectly comfortable in a bowtie....worn them since l was a kid as a music performer.
Can't see the pick. lt's got one of those stupid red square thingees in the left corner. l hate it when that happens.
it works for me now. anyway here's the link
l don't like how they are carrying off the bow in that link above. Bows seem to suit middle age (40 +) - older people better. People who wear them below 40 seem abit try hard (just my opinion).
Thanks for posting the link bandofoutsiders.
Good thread.
Whenever I wear black tie (not very often) and when I manage to tie a bow that looks just right (even less often!) I wonder about trying to incorporate a bow tie into my business wear.
We have not really had the same historical association with them here in Britain, and I believe now they are seen as rather effeminate. Many people in the media now choose to wear a four-in-hand with evening dress, of course and this seems to further marginalise the bow. But a recent visit to my local TK Maxx revealed a good selection of self-tie bows by Turnbull and Asser - black and coloured/patterned from £12.95! So, is the bow about to make a come-back? Or is the reverse the case - T&A just can't sell them any more? I do hope the former..........
ln Melbourne, bows are hardly seen ever. But if you venture down Lonsdale Street (all the Q.C's and judges hang out there), you are bound to see 4 or 5 over the lunch hour.
l feel the bow has the ability to set you apart from the crowd. lf you are at the top of your professional career, definately wear a bow. The right people wearing bow ties will get my attention more than the ubiquitous tie wearer. Bows draw more respect; it's an instinctive thing...dunno why. Bows convey power, top notch professional knowledge, and confidence!!!
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-12-05 07:28:55)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-12-10 07:56:33)