Varanasi, India 1989.
Oh and here I thought I had to tell the story of that alley in New York City. Ah saved by the 'ah'.
l've seen quite a few people have them but i've never done it. l never wanted to start a habit up. l hear they are far far worse for your health (emphasima develops much quicker and a whole host of other nasties) than ordinary cigarettes.
When l first read the title of the topic l thought it was about girls.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-12-05 05:59:21)
My first time was at a college party. The device was immense, maybe four feet tall, filled with something contraband--I think it was slightly more exotic than the usual sticky green, because it had a ruinous effect on me unlike anything I'd experienced before or since.
I literally forgot how to walk, and slept that night on the front lawn of German House, next to the dessicated corpse of a squirrel.
I suppose that's a pretty dull story; if the subject of this thread was actually what the title indicated, I'd have a hair-raising yarn for you.
There was a regrettable "emulating Henry Miller" phase in my desperate youth.
There's no idiot like a pretentious idiot.
Thank God for penicillin.
Strangely enough, in a restaurant not far from Simons.
I don't recall ever having smoked a hookah. I think they had some degree of popularity for doing weed back in the heyday of the hippie-doper era.
What a disappointment! I thought this thread was going to be about hookers. Plenty of tales to tell there, of course, although that topic would probably be more at home on SF.
I have never had a hooker or a hookah, though the latter were popular at college. I enjoy drinking but I avoid smoke-related things because of asthma, and a general opinion about health.
As for hookers, the possibility of contracting HIV looms much to large to ever consider it.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-12-05 21:06:51)