I haven't conducted an in-depth assessment, however, based on a general look at fora posting activity in recent months, I say yes to the notion that policing the fora for inane posts with the institution of the the inane post of the day thread has resulted in a general reduction in the level of inanity, perhaps even markedly so. No longer can inane posters hide behind the anonymity of the message board to post about an entire spectrum of inanities and do so with impunity, from intentional loose stitching on Anderson & Sheppard coats (A classic inane post that first inspired the inane post thread) to, well, the mind boggles at the sheer variety of inanity now part of message board, er fora, inane history. Indeed, posting that one message board, in particular, is a fora, not a message board, is the height of inanity. The good fight against inanity must continue to be fought and our persistent vigilance will make the fora a less inane place for all of us. Then again, the inane post of the day thread is, itself, the very epitome of inanity.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-12-13 21:32:10)
Generally, yes.
Perhaps IPOD has reduced the level of inanity for the average poster, but not for that handful of forumites who seem to be the Bearers of the Torch of Inanity. These Torch Bearers are incurably inane.
There seem to be certain themes to the inanity. These seem to be particularly common:
-- Savile Row is now and ever shall be the Sartorial Firmament on High, Amen.
-- Some irrelevant design detail like pick stitching or pattern matching is a definitive indicator of top quality.
-- I just got this god-awful item of clothing. Please congratulate me. Fawning ensues.
-- I just got a bespoke suit made and now I'm off to see what another tailor can do for me.
-- I'm a newbie with many misconceptions. Please lead me down the garden path.
-- Which jelly bean/no.2 pencil/shoelace or otherwise completely ridiculous item is the most Trad (at this particular instant)?
-- A gentleman owns this or behaves like that.
-- Behold the power and glory of our influential forum.
-- Can I wear this with that (when it's either obviously perfectly fine or unthinkable and the poster in question just wants some attention).
Please feel free to add to this list.
A very good list Twin Six....sums it up really well.
Perhaps we could, have an Inanity Security Alert Level, in different colors?
Is something wrong with the IPOD thread? I don't seem to be getting all of it. Nothing beyond page 226.
EDIT: Ignore this. Seems to be working now.
Last edited by AQG (2007-12-14 09:53:17)
I appears the "inane" thread has had a positive impact on the other message boards, er fora.
Those who post in all places can't help but be improved when they post outside FNB.
Those who lurk (and they are legion) must also learn something.
Obviously, the Clown is still a bully but more people are seeing through his nonsense.