I am looking for something to keep my head warm. My hair is not thinning any more, its mostly gone. At 38, I dont think I can pull off a fedora, but I love the Indiana Jones look, and a watch cap seems too casual for work. I tend to follow what some would call the Trad look in clothing, with a bit of Anglo thrown in.
My coat choices are mostly, camelhair polo coat, navy duffle (and old made in USA RLP), or an old black and red buffalo check wool chore coat, so I am considering a tweed Irish walking hat, such as LLBean or Press offer. Press also offers a reversable, khaki cotton and charcoal wool bucket hat, that may do the trick. I like the middle-age New England feel of the tweed, but does anyone have any more ideas? I feel like I am at the age where I am too old for some things, but too young to pull off others. In my 20's I wore ballcaps but those seem juvenile now. Thanks.
Last edited by shuman (2007-12-15 18:06:40)
How about a cap with ear-flaps for the real cold? http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.millerhats.com/productimages/668.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.millerhats.com/millerkan_catalog/mkangol.html&h=219&w=232&sz=6&hl=en&start=22&tbnid=_1Ij1S0OLfTdfM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcap%2Bwith%2Bearflaps%26start%3D18%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
And if you can stand the ribbing, there's always the good old astrakhan: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lockhatters.co.uk/images/product_images/gentlemen/ProductImages/Astrakhan/astrakhan.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lockhatters.co.uk/Leather___Fur_Headwear-Astrakhan-P80.aspx&h=224&w=250&sz=57&hl=en&start=9&tbnid=7K95A2hNV0erpM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dastrakhan%2Bhat%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
Thanks for the great replies. I do love the HJ Fedora style, but am a bit reluctant as it may look a bit dated for my tastes. I am considering either the bucket-type tweed in my J.Press link, or the Locke London in the above link. The London seems more like what i've seen in photos of Rex Harrison, so I may opt for the bucket. A bit more modernly acceptable? Not sure. That fedora is sure tempting...might have to start hanging out at the Fedora Lounge.
Caps are good. I like tweed bucket hats a lot too, but I'm wearing watch caps mainly at the moment. Just for a change.
One more vote for flat caps, from me. Hats never felt right.
I do tend to lose the bloody things at an alarming rate though. The only one I own at the moment is a navy one - and I haven't seen it for a while.
Great choices & very nice gloves too - I'd also always worn leather before so the wool mixes things up nicely. Thay have that 'schoolboy' touch somehow which I think goes with the relaxed stylish nature of the Ivy style.
Check your PM box for a couple of In The Know Links which may or may not be new to you -
Gosh, that post is nearly 5 years old - I got the watch caps & wooly gloves from Monoprix in Paris.